sw21 problem


Original poster
May 7, 2004
I have a 20 inch dish with 2 dual lnbs, 2 sw-21 switches and 2 recievers. My problem is i can find the 110 and 119 signals individualy with a strenght of about 90 but when i lock on 119 i can't find 110? When i run a switch test i get 119 odd 119 even and then the rest r all X's, with a "only one satellite is connected warning"! The other thing is when i switch from 119 to 110 in the singal meter screen the bar goes red and i get a wrong sattelite 119 message on all transponders but a 90 signal? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Is this a new installation or a move?

You say you can find 110 & 119 "individually" which I take to mean that you can get them seperately without a switch. When you do one at a time can you get any of the channels to come in (say, Ch 101 on 119 or Ch9900 on 110)?

Your switch test results indicate that you have the 119 LNBF peaked on 110.
Thanx for the reply. This is a new installation and i can get both those channels as long as im running directly from one lnb to the reciver!
***update*** K i got it fixed and maybe this can help someone else! I don't know if its just these screwy microyal switches but heres what i did! I hooked up the 110 by itslef to the reciever one slot of the switch and it finally gave me a signal after that i put the 119 into the reciever 2 slot and i finally had them going i ran a swtich test and they were both recognized! I then went out switched them back around and then ran the switch test and now everythings fine! My only problem is im getting 90 plus on 119 and 50-55 on 110 is that normal? Whats the minimum signal strength that you can deceantly operate on? And lastly any ideas on how to get a better 110 without killing my 119 because everytime i play around with the skew my 119 drops? Thanks for all your help John Doe #2!
You should never play with you skew. Once you know your skew for your zip I would not change it. Slight Elevation and hortizonal changes to your dish may improve your signal if your mast is plum - straight up.
You should be doing a lot better than 50-55 on 110 if your skew is correct and you're peaked on 119. Typically, the readings from 110 will only be slightly lower than 119. You want to be up to at least 70 in any case.

The skew should be fixed for your location before you peak the dish. You never want to change it after you peak on 119. See if you can bring 119 in better with small AZ/EL changes. If you can then 110 should come in better, too.

I don't have any experience with the MicroRoyal switches but I haven't heard anybody complain about them.
Thanx again guys! I noticed that if i use the proper setting for my skew(101) my 119 is only at 70 something but i think the ratio from 119 to 110 is better?
Now that you have the skew set correctly you need to peak the elevation and azimuth, make very small adjustments. You have already gotten 90 so you should be able to reach that level or higher by careful adjustment.
crap i lost the 110 signal again!?!?!?! It was only 55 before but still how can it go straight to 0 by time i wake up? K im thinking its the cable connectors! Is there that much of a difference between gold and silver tips? All the gold ones work fine but this new cable run is on silver tips? Another quick question, do all the multiswitches quit working when there only recieving one signal but have both lnb's plugged in?
I think you might be much happier if you pay a dealer for a service call and have your system correctly installed. Think what you are asking about gold and silver fittings. The copper center conductor is what is making contact. The gold and silver is just parting a fool and his money.
boba said:
I think you might be much happier if you pay a dealer for a service call and have your system correctly installed. Think what you are asking about gold and silver fittings. The copper center conductor is what is making contact. The gold and silver is just parting a fool and his money.
I would wager some gold or silver that he is referring to brass and nickel-plated fittings.

mistasanshou are you sure your mast is plumb?

It shouldn't cost very much to have someone who knows what he's doing peak your dish for you if the cables are run and the dish is mounted where there is line-of-sight.

need help with a 322 remote

Another 811 DD issue Please help

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