Tech failure on SWM16 install

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stardust3 said:
Someone please explain the proper way to hook up 1 these...........

4 lines from your dish in to the satellite in ports then 1 line out of SWM 1 and SWM 2 ports with a power inserter (PI29) in the dc in port OR you can go through 1 of the SWM splitters. There, simple as that :D
4 lines from your dish in to the satellite in ports then 1 line out of SWM 1 and SWM 2 ports with a power inserter (PI29) in the dc in port OR you can go through 1 of the SWM splitters. There, simple as that :D

That sounds easy enough, wonder what the big deal was for the tech that digiblur had? Never did catch that part.
stardust3 said:
That sounds easy enough, wonder what the big deal was for the tech that digiblur had? Never did catch that part.

I'm assuming he's prolly never installed 1 or seen 1. But it's hard telling, some contractors hire anybody and then it makes the techs look stupid but they don't know what they're doing because they never got proper training
no switch should EVER be mounted with any connection upward. I only pointed it out because it honestly looks like none of the caps look like they have been tightened to ensure a good seal.

I will flip it around tomorrow. That thing gets warmer than I thought. No way would I put that in an attic in the south.
Hmm...How did you manage that. I'm getting 2 H25's and 1 HMC this Saturday. I would love to trade in a H25 for a HR24 with no upgrade fee.;)

The wife managed it after the initial installer made me do some patch work on the wall since he mounted the dish in the wrong spot. Even after I told him that spot was too high. The offered her a free dvr upgrade.
The wife managed it after the initial installer made me do some patch work on the wall since he mounted the dish in the wrong spot. Even after I told him that spot was too high. The offered her a free dvr upgrade.

Nice! I doubt i'll get that unlucky. But, you never know! Maybe i can complain about the HMC missing recordings. ;)
I think FOX cancelled the show due to viewr complaints about the show's content. It's a known fact that there's one episode which FOX refused to air ("Once Upon A Weinstein"). The new Season 3 DVD, which just came out this past Tuesday, includes that episode. Cartoon Network has plans to air that episode, but not until November. I don't know if TBS Superstation would air the episode on a weekday afternoon?

What hooked me to the show initally is the fact that the show is set in southern New England (Rhode Island) and references to this area are made every so often (such as the "Stop & Shop" supermarket, NECCO wafers and the football fans at each other's throats about the Jets and Patriots).

Now how do we get Seth McFarlane (Peter, Stewie and Brian), Alex Borstein (Lois), Seth Green (Chris) and Mila Kunis (Meg) all back together again?

The only cap missing is on the port where a wire was supposed to be hooked up.
Install was done today. Gonna take a bit to get used too, after nearly eight yrs. with Dish. But, im sure i'll manage. Also, got a HR24 thrown in for free, instead of the second H25. I can't believe how small the H25 is. It's tiny!!!! Now i guess the question is? Should i update the HR34 or wait?:confused:
Install was done today. Gonna take a bit to get used too, after nearly eight yrs. with Dish. But, im sure i'll manage. Also, got a HR24 thrown in for free, instead of the second H25. I can't believe how small the H25 is. It's tiny!!!! Now i guess the question is? Should i update the HR34 or wait?:confused:

Awesome. It tooks us a day to get used to things. No biggie. I love all the new features it has brought us. I looked at the Hopper Joey setup Dish had but the cost and the tuner setup just didn't fit me. I don't see how it really fits anyone unless you were single.

Yes! Upgrade the HR34. I upgraded last night on my HR34, HR24 and both H25s. Working great so far.

I was worried about the rainfade issue with Ka band. It was pouring rain and the my Ka signal only dropped from 96 points to 86 to 87. Never missed a beat..
Awesome. It tooks us a day to get used to things. No biggie. I love all the new features it has brought us. I looked at the Hopper Joey setup Dish had but the cost and the tuner setup just didn't fit me. I don't see how it really fits anyone unless you were single.

Yes! Upgrade the HR34. I upgraded last night on my HR34, HR24 and both H25s. Working great so far.

I was worried about the rainfade issue with Ka band. It was pouring rain and the my Ka signal only dropped from 96 points to 86 to 87. Never missed a beat..

Yeah, the guides really ugly on the HR34. Although, my wife seems to be having no trouble with it. She's recording and watching the on demand stuff. I've been in the bedroom trying to get the hr24 to act like a Dish VIP.:D Got it pretty close now. But, anyways how exactly do you update the HR34 to CE. I still got time to do it tonight, Correct?
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