The "Farm" Grows, and with it, a question or two...

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"On the Air" in MI
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Oct 13, 2007
West Central Michigan
While not as large as some folks' farms posted here, this one is slowly growing. Got a nice deal on the motorized Ku dish, LNB and Conaxsat Trio recently. Nice weather today has me working on aligning the motorized dish today, Wanted to use the CNX receiver it came with for alignment, but, previous owner put in factory firmware, and its asking for a 4-digit password. Searched the web, found nothing, looked at the manual, found nothing. (did I miss this by scanning too fast? "0000" did not work, nor the usual tries....) So, in case I ever WANT to use this receiver, does anyone know the factory password?

So, I'm going to use my Visionsat IV200PVR to set up this dish and get it fully aligned before integrating it through switching into my Openbox. Any password help on the previous however, would be appreciated.

Thinking for simplicity, since there's an extra signal cable already going to the farm, Can I use one side of a 22khz to switch over to this ku motorized dish, and the other output of the 22khz to drive my birdview's V-box with combination c/ku and the stationary 125 degree dish? Of course positions would have to be non-competing between systems....when assigned. (In other words: Receiver feeds 22khz switch. Switch one side feeds V-box and Birdview/stationary LNB's as-is now, Switch other side feeds directly to motorized Ku dish)

Looking forward to seeing how the signal is on this LNB set for linear FTA, not the circular side.

Thanks, as always!


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Thanks, I'll try those....I usually consider myself a "Great Googler" but, perhaps I phrased my search differently. I'm attempting the Visionsat now, feel like a beginner all over again! Never dealt with these motorized Ku dishes!
Yep. No go. My Visionsat had an odd "default" but was found on the web. Thanks for the kind words. Some paint is needed after power-washing, and maybe a new logo or two if I can find one to have re-created.
Radio here is the link to CNX if you haven't found it already, they seem to still be in business and the Support page has all the current factory firmware and 'recovery' files+loaders...
Conaxsat - CNX Official Homepage
Maybe reloading the factory firmware will reset the password thing for you. I couldn't find any mention of it on the FAQ page they have.
EDIT: I d/l the manual for it, on page 23 it says the default password is 0000. To reset/change it, just enter a new password twice, and it should change to your new password. Good luck!
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Thanks! I feel badly that others like you found things I didn't, but I tend to "scan" pages, and read contents very briefly, looking for only what I think would be the terms I need. Maybe the "twice" on the password will work. I quit after the first time didn't, (work) and went to aligning the small dish using the Visionsat receiver instead. I'll dig the CNX out again today and try to clear it. I'd like it "ready" for the next owner if possible as I don't see any great advantage to keeping/owning/using it for me in my setup.
Just an idea, you might try 0000 for your password. On my CNX, that works!
This unit is the Trio I believe, is that what you use? I'm curious if you find any really cool features or reasons that might make me want to hang on to this box, rather
than selling it to someone as their "first" box. I have friends I'm bringing into the FTA world.....and really don't need this one. Haven't seen much on this site
about the brand, so I thought it was pretty much an "average" box of a few FTA generations ago.
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scaler ring on c/ku band feed to FTA, equipment issues!

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