The real truth on those freeBees from DISH


New Member
Original poster
Dec 20, 2006
I am totally feed up with Dish…I tried a number of times to talk on the phone to various people ( certainly not American) understanding what they are saying (language) and information about the products is a MAJOR PROBLEM…..
First I asked why all the perks were given only to first time users of DISH. And not to long standing good customers (6years we have been with dish) .I was first told I could get a DVR receiver but, I would have to pay 199.00 to have it….Plus 5.?? for rental fee & 5.98 to have the service? OH WOW!!!
I was upset when the man (definitely not from the USA told me this..I couldn’t get a straight answer …So I email customer support this was thier response...
Thank you for your email. Ithoroughly reviewed your account and see that you have been a loyal customer for over 6 years. Due to this fact we are able to offer a free upgrade(of $69.00 of less). I notated this on your account and hope that you will allow us to continueprovidingyou with television service.
We are excited to announce that at this time, we do have exclusive promotions available to our existing customers, which offer discounts on equipment and installation! Please contact our Customer Service Center at 1-800-333-3474. Some of the promotions do have expiration dates, so please call at your earliest convenience.
I emailed them back to ask about any added fees etc...RECEIVED NO RESPONSE
I then tried to call again and the gentlemen said yes he saw we were could get the upgrade.
I asked him about the vip622 he said that one was not available to us. I asked why he said well do you have hd TV I told him no but we might be get a hd tv and felt it was better to a dvr receive that would do both standard as well as hd for the future. Rather than have to switch later on. he insisted that they could only offer us the 625…I then told him you need to tell dish they should change their web site and they should place the prices of the units next to what they have to offer, that it was “misleading the public into something they find out later costs more”.
I then told him I would get the 625...reciever..He then asked for my credit card I said what why do you need my credit card for something that is free...I told him dish already has that information and besides I pay by the year to the tone of over 500.00 on my credit card and a monthly fee by check for over 12.00..and have been with them for 6 years..I told him I wanted to speak to a supervisor I spoke to Kelly(OZQ) also not American)…what is up DISH cant hire Americans)
I was then told after a long discussion they needed to do a credit check. I was totally blown away. I couldn’t believe my ears I gave her the same response as I gave the gentleman. I was then forced to give her my CC number…then she informs me that they will be billing me for the unit rental $5.99) and a monthly service fee $5.99) for the ability to record the stations!
I said wait. What are you talking about the unit is free right. Why am I paying for rental? She said the 69.99 was to cover the installation fee. I said I can install it myself. And besides the installation was to be included...That I didnt mind paying for the service to record the stations I wanted..but the other was a total ripoff.
I told her forget get it all...
So what kind of scam is this? Your DISH Web site says one thing thier workers say another….
Dish web site shows the costs to be; there are no costs. they are free:
DVR 625 (1 TV)


Equipment Total


Activation fee


Refund received on first bill


Activation Total




So what is it dish??GET it straight…
If I go with your so called FREE upgrade it will end up costing us $753.64 a year…
$550.00 for 180 channels pkg(paid yearly)
$71.88 local stations
$131.76 rental on dvd & for service fee
A total of 753.64 or $62.60 a month

Where as the DISH web site says the total costs to be $50.97 a month

The real truth is about DISH Freebees:mad:
I am totally feed up with Dish...First I asked why all the perks were given only to first time users of DISH. And not to long standing good customers (6years we have been with dish)...
For the same reason CC companies offer 0% intrest for 6 months and banks offer free cheeks to new customers. This is absolutely not a E* exclusive and has been SAP in many industries for many many years for acquiring new costumers. Where have you been?:confused:
Junior Member Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 1

The real truth on those freeBees from DISH


I am totally feed up with Dish…I tried a number of times to talk on the phone to various people ( certainly not American) understanding what they are saying (language) and information about the products is a MAJOR PROBLEM…..
First I asked why all the perks were given only to first time users of DISH. And not to long standing good customers (6years we have been with dish) .I was first told I could get a DVR receiver but, I would have to pay 199.00 to have it….Plus 5.?? for rental fee & 5.98 to have the service? OH WOW!!!

i totally agree with all of your post,

but the part that i copied is the part i think is the big dish joke for customers,
you pay (or buy)199.00 for a reciever then you have to rent from dish the
same box you just bought,then you have to pay them again to use it,right?
i have a cable modem, i bought my cable modem, my cable company discounted
my internet service,which i think is the right way to do bussiness.
dish is screwing customers left and right. now lookout here comes the first of the
year and a price increase,and for this increase i have seen dish add no good
channels,and attempt to copy cable's local on the 8's (failure) raised there price
to lower your programming. cable is looking better everyday.
For the same reason CC companies offer 0% intrest for 6 months and banks offer free cheeks to new customers. This is absolutely not a E* exclusive and has been SAP in many industries for many many years for acquiring new costumers. Where have you been?:confused:

i guess he's been the same place you have if your paying for checks
my checks or free from my bank.
Time to go to the top

I am totally feed up with Dish…I tried a number of times to talk on the phone to various people ( certainly not American) understanding what they are saying (language) and information about the products is a MAJOR PROBLEM…..
First I asked why all the perks were given only to first time users of DISH. And not to long standing good customers (6years we have been with dish) .I was first told I could get a DVR receiver but, I would have to pay 199.00 to have it….Plus 5.?? for rental fee & 5.98 to have the service? OH WOW!!!
I was upset when the man (definitely not from the USA told me this..I couldn’t get a straight answer …So I email customer support this was thier response...
Thank you for your email. Ithoroughly reviewed your account and see that you have been a loyal customer for over 6 years. Due to this fact we are able to offer a free upgrade(of $69.00 of less). I notated this on your account and hope that you will allow us to continueprovidingyou with television service.
We are excited to announce that at this time, we do have exclusive promotions available to our existing customers, which offer discounts on equipment and installation! Please contact our Customer Service Center at 1-800-333-3474. Some of the promotions do have expiration dates, so please call at your earliest convenience.
I emailed them back to ask about any added fees etc...RECEIVED NO RESPONSE
I then tried to call again and the gentlemen said yes he saw we were could get the upgrade.
I asked him about the vip622 he said that one was not available to us. I asked why he said well do you have hd TV I told him no but we might be get a hd tv and felt it was better to a dvr receive that would do both standard as well as hd for the future. Rather than have to switch later on. he insisted that they could only offer us the 625…I then told him you need to tell dish they should change their web site and they should place the prices of the units next to what they have to offer, that it was “misleading the public into something they find out later costs more”.
I then told him I would get the 625...reciever..He then asked for my credit card I said what why do you need my credit card for something that is free...I told him dish already has that information and besides I pay by the year to the tone of over 500.00 on my credit card and a monthly fee by check for over 12.00..and have been with them for 6 years..I told him I wanted to speak to a supervisor I spoke to Kelly(OZQ) also not American)…what is up DISH cant hire Americans)
I was then told after a long discussion they needed to do a credit check. I was totally blown away. I couldn’t believe my ears I gave her the same response as I gave the gentleman. I was then forced to give her my CC number…then she informs me that they will be billing me for the unit rental $5.99) and a monthly service fee $5.99) for the ability to record the stations!
I said wait. What are you talking about the unit is free right. Why am I paying for rental? She said the 69.99 was to cover the installation fee. I said I can install it myself. And besides the installation was to be included...That I didnt mind paying for the service to record the stations I wanted..but the other was a total ripoff.
I told her forget get it all...
So what kind of scam is this? Your DISH Web site says one thing thier workers say another….
Dish web site shows the costs to be; there are no costs. they are free:
DVR 625 (1 TV)


Equipment Total


Activation fee


Refund received on first bill


Activation Total




So what is it dish??GET it straight…
If I go with your so called FREE upgrade it will end up costing us $753.64 a year…
$550.00 for 180 channels pkg(paid yearly)
$71.88 local stations
$131.76 rental on dvd & for service fee
A total of 753.64 or $62.60 a month

Where as the DISH web site says the total costs to be $50.97 a month

The real truth is about DISH Freebees:mad:

Email NOW. Tell them the entire story. Also be sure to tell them that you want the VIP622. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE AN HDTV TO USE IT. You can get it now and run it as 480i output then when you upgrade your TV to HD switch it over to HD. You will need to give them acct # and phone # to contact you and when. They will contact you and make you much happier. You will have to pay 199 up front but will get that back. They will reduce your bill for the next 10 months. You will need to subscribe to a HD program pack but you will like the picture quality even with an SD TV set. So calm down and realize that the CSR term stands for Can be Seriously Retarded.
If I may comment here, new customers got a very slight advantage if any to existing customers looking to upgrade equipment..

#1 If your looking to lease a VIP 622 DVR, its $199 weather you are a new or existing customer. Only difference is new customers get $20 credits for 10 months, where existing customers get $10 credits for 10 months if they are upgrading to an HD pack for the first time

#2 If your looking at upgrading to a leased 211, 625, 311, or 322 its $69. New customers get it for $49.99, BIG DEAL!

Existing customers got Dish N it up, you can upgrade up to 2 receivers or 3 tumers
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I lost my DNS and had a couple of pain in the a*s 4900's that powered themselves down and back up again at random times. I got an HD set, got fed up enough with the receiver, called tech support and threatened to switch to D* after almost ten years with E*and to make a long story short, got a 211 and a Dish 1000 for NO upgrade fee-just a 12 month commitment. Since I live in a rural area where cable is not an option and I have no intention of switching to D* (though the advanced tech support CSR I spoke with didn't know that) the 12 month commitment was no problem and I got what I was looking for. Maybe I got lucky or just sounded angry enough I don't know but I'm satisfied.
If I may comment here, new customers got a very slight advantage if any to existing customers looking to upgrade equipment..

#1 If your looking to lease a VIP 622 DVR, its $199 weather you are a new or existing customer. Only difference is new customers get $20 credits for 10 months, where existing customers get $10 credits for 10 months if they are upgrading to an HD pack for the first time

#2 If your looking at upgrading to a leased 211, 625, 311, or 322 its $69. New customers get it for $49.99, BIG DEAL!

Existing customers got Dish N it up, you can upgrade up to 2 receivers or 3 tumers

Existing customers can get $20 off a month with the upgrade. Just have beg for it a little :bow

and sinse they did that, I upgraded to the Platinum pack. By the time it was all said and done my bill went up about 10 bucks for the first 10 months.
If you feel dish is screwing you, don't get mad. Just screw back. You'll both be happier in the end.

Find out how YOU can be considered a new customer. Find a brother in law with decent credit who you know will never get dish. Use his social to get a different account set up AT YOUR HOUSE. Just change the address slightly (say 'Apartment TWO' or whatever, even if it's a house). Read these forums. They are rife with ways to return the favor to Dish.
If you feel dish is screwing you, don't get mad. Just screw back. You'll both be happier in the end.

Find out how YOU can be considered a new customer. Find a brother in law with decent credit who you know will never get dish. Use his social to get a different account set up AT YOUR HOUSE. Just change the address slightly (say 'Apartment TWO' or whatever, even if it's a house). Read these forums. They are rife with ways to return the favor to Dish.

And then when Brother's credit card is charged for receiver damage or cancellation costs he's going to hop on the phone, scream at a CSR for three hours about how he never authorized use of the credit card, admit he's using someone elses' card (this is fraud in case anyone had any doubts) and end up paying anyways. You have to appreciate the irony of the system. If people played by the rules (even the less pleasant ones) life would be much easier.
I never said to use the brother's credit decietfully. You made that assumption. I can pay for anyone I want to get a satellite system under my name. How is that fraud? If they want to pay the monthly bill, then so be it.
I lost my DNS and had a couple of pain in the a*s 4900's that powered themselves down and back up again at random times. I got an HD set, got fed up enough with the receiver, called tech support and threatened to switch to D* after almost ten years with E*and to make a long story short, got a 211 and a Dish 1000 for NO upgrade fee-just a 12 month commitment. Since I live in a rural area where cable is not an option and I have no intention of switching to D* (though the advanced tech support CSR I spoke with didn't know that) the 12 month commitment was no problem and I got what I was looking for. Maybe I got lucky or just sounded angry enough I don't know but I'm satisfied.

Illegitimate threats of disconnection for freebies raise costs for ALL customers. You just contributed to the next price increase. Grats!
It wasn't necessarily an illegitimate threat, if they E* ever drops the Muzak channels and D* gets more HD content after the 12 months I could be gone. I just wasn't going to D* at that moment.

Positive review of my new Dish system

HD upgrade programming / pricing question...

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