This could get ugly folks.


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Apr 5, 2004
A couple of weeks ago my father in law wanted to get full use out of his new big screen. He wanted HDTV. Niether of us has ever had it so we did not know how things work. I have E* he had at the time D*. I knew that Southwestern Bell just began offering E* as a package along with local, LD, and internet. I suggested he call them and get hooked up. He called on a Thursday and they were out the next day. Got a 811 a 322 hooked up to three TV's and another receiver hooked up to a 5th TV.

First off, the kid (probably 25 years old at most) who was a private contracter was in a hurry. He even mentioned it to my father in law. They left wires all messy behind a couple of the TV's and decided to drill through the wood floor in the kitchen. There was a much cleaner way to go but again this punk was in a hurry. He also asked for $25 cash from my father in law. No receipt for the $25 bucks he just asked for it to install the 5th TV. He did not hook up the 811 up right. Brother in law had to call DISH to get that worked out.

We set down to to watch the NCAA championship game which drove me to this thread. Well, my father in law was told even though he was told wrong that he would get everything when it comes to HDTV. We did not know jack about this stuff. We just believed the sales guy. Now the dip that originally installed all this stuff has been fired. Another dip came out and agreeded to install a OTA antenna in the attic. We understood that this was going to be free because of all the hassle we have been through. Well apparently my father in law was asked to pay after they put the antenna in yesterday and it still does not even work. The moron put it in and pretty much left. My father in law does not know how to do this stuff. Dish has apparently told him sorry we cannot help you and apparently no one can come out to fix this problem for from what I understand a month.

This is my reputation on the line damn it. I am the one that told him to make the switch. I am the one that told him he would be happy. Now he is not. He has been given the run around by some &*&$(#@! that do not even work for E*. These SOB's are really starting to tick me off. My father in law will be emailing everything that has happened over the past couple of weeks. I will post it here when I get it. My question is who should I forward it to? I am none too happy.
Well Well Well, looks like your father in law is signed up under Digital Home Advantage with no contract or Annual Agreement.

I Suggest you call up whoever installed the system and tell them if they don't come back out and fix it right your going to cancel and switch to Directv.

To be honest, your the one holding all the cards here, and I would deffinitly use the fact you didn't sign a contract to your advantage to make them come out and fix it

Keep in mind he didn't sign a contract :)
Claude Greiner said:
Keep in mind he didn't sign a contract :)
With dish that is. I beleive I heard that some installers have contracts between them and the customer to protect the retailer from a charge-back if they leave before 1 year is up.
I would send an e-mail to . Let them know of your problem. I've done this a couple of times and they have been very responsive. I'm sure that Charlie would like to make sure that the work done by their new Business Partner is being done right. :no

I'd also send an e-mail to the "Charlie" equivilent at Southwest Bell.
"kid" "punk" "dip" "moron" "sob" I really like your discrptive terms for everyone you have dealt with. You can apply any of those to yourself.
Why don't you post your problems in a list and what you want to have done. We can then tell you what you need to do and hopefully you'll get it done yourself. It shouldn't be too hard.
one of the dish installers in tulsa is advertising on tv that they fix the mistakes of incompetent installers.i predict that other installers in other areas will be doing this if they havent already.of course the consumer pays.
Dishdude said:
"kid" "punk" "dip" "moron" "sob" I really like your discrptive terms for everyone you have dealt with. You can apply any of those to yourself.

Do not know what your problem is but after a comment like that I could apply them towards you. You have no idea how moronic this situation has been. You say everyone but if you read my post we are talking about two people here. The first installer and then the second kid. I used those terms because they could care less about my situation. They are there for a paycheck (which one is no longer getting one) and do not care about their job. You'd like to think my terms apply especially after one of the installers (the owners son for pete sake) was fired.
cdru said:
With dish that is. I beleive I heard that some installers have contracts between them and the customer to protect the retailer from a charge-back if they leave before 1 year is up.

My father in law did mention that he was not under contract. I hope to have his email sometime today.
Briguy said:
I used those terms because they could care less about my situation. They are there for a paycheck (which one is no longer getting one) and do not care about their job. You'd like to think my terms apply especially after one of the installers (the owners son for pete sake) was fired.

Welcome to the 21st century dude! There are lots of people and lots of businesses in service industries staffed by kids with this exact same attitude.

I think that maybe it would be more useful to limit the use of such language till you are speaking with these particulat installers. So why get upset here? Your anger is understandable but unnecessary in this forum. The people who post here are a great source for tips on getting past "some" of the beaurocrasy at E*.
Martimus said:
Welcome to the 21st century dude! There are lots of people and lots of businesses in service industries staffed by kids with this exact same attitude.

I think that maybe it would be more useful to limit the use of such language till you are speaking with these particulat installers. So why get upset here? Your anger is understandable but unnecessary in this forum. The people who post here are a great source for tips on getting past "some" of the beaurocrasy at E*.

Oh I understand what you saying. But Dishdude's post was unecessary and did not contibute one ounce of substance. My anger is definately directed towards who we've been working with and no one in this forum. I am just eager to get the ball rolling if not some heads over at E*. :)
Briguy I would suggest your father contact Directv if he was a customer they will welcome him back and probably send out qualified installers. SBC has not been doing consumer satellite installations that long. My experience with them as a telephone company sent me to SAGE TELECOM and a savings on my telephone bill of about 33%. Directv was offering existing customers a HDTV upgrade for $99 and their equipment works so much better than DISH 811's and 322s.
Kansas City area. The folks that did my set up worked directly for e* They did a great install. This issue with my father in law however is very poor. Another thing to add they did not even walk them through any of the features. I had to go over there to show them myself. This is kinda sticky cause I have a feeling that SBC and E* willl be playing the blame game.
Dishdude said:
"kid" "punk" "dip" "moron" "sob" I really like your discrptive terms for everyone you have dealt with. You can apply any of those to yourself.

Don't be a moron. (or dip, punk, sob, whichever you prefer.) The guy is rightfully pissed about subpar work performed by idiots, a-holes, and schmucks.

He should have suggested his father get the $99 HD upgrade from his current provider DirecTV, instead of going through all the BS with Dish. Even if the install went perfectly, he would still be saddled with the 811, which would no doubt have meant weekly or daily phone calls from his dad, asking for help working through the bugs.

Briguy - Why did you have him switch, anyway?
GaryPen said:
Briguy - Why did you have him switch, anyway?

I'm just guessing here, to get the $5 Club Dish credits. :)

I won't give any more Club Dish certificates away. Giving one to my neighbor so he could get the 811 is something I am living down day-to-day.
Whew.. not in my area. Started to sound like one of our install situations.

Call dish and complain complain complain until you're blue in the face. New HDTV customers are exactly what Dish is looking for.. they'll help you.
gpflepsen said:
I'm just guessing here, to get the $5 Club Dish credits. :)

I won't give any more Club Dish certificates away. Giving one to my neighbor so he could get the 811 is something I am living down day-to-day.

Me neither. They ought to amend that old expression about never lending money to friends, to "Never loan money or recommend Dish to friends".
GaryPen said:
Don't be a moron. (or dip, punk, sob, whichever you prefer.) The guy is rightfully pissed about subpar work performed by idiots, a-holes, and schmucks.

He should have suggested his father get the $99 HD upgrade from his current provider DirecTV, instead of going through all the BS with Dish. Even if the install went perfectly, he would still be saddled with the 811, which would no doubt have meant weekly or daily phone calls from his dad, asking for help working through the bugs.

Briguy - Why did you have him switch, anyway?

I've always liked E* He told me that when he talked to D* they said the would have to buy the receiver and it would have cost him 300-400 dollars. Figures. Guess we are not well informed.
Could not use clubdish either. Because he went through SBC it did not apply. Atleast that is what I was told. Who knows anymore.

More Voom Thread than Dish or Direct?

Does the 811 come with a DVI cable?

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