This is hilarious-- Fred Dressler comment


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Feb 2, 2005

I especially like:

"MCN: Any words of wisdom you want to leave the cable industry?

FD: I just hope that we're able to capitalize on the superior technology that we have. I think that if we continue to improve customer service, we will squash the competition in the long run and be successful. I don't think we'll eliminate competition, but I don't think we'll have anything to worry about if we pay attention to the customers."

TWC, pay attention to their customers-- right.

I especially like:

"MCN: Any words of wisdom you want to leave the cable industry?

FD: I just hope that we're able to capitalize on the superior technology that we have. I think that if we continue to improve customer service, we will squash the competition in the long run and be successful. I don't think we'll eliminate competition, but I don't think we'll have anything to worry about if we pay attention to the customers."

TWC, pay attention to their customers-- right.

So hilarious that I'm sobbing. If only Dish had my locals in HD, I'd be there right now.

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