This is why I HATE to call Dish about ANYTHING!


Unashamed Bengal Fan
Original poster
Sep 7, 2003
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
The CSRs are usually very friendly and I hate to get mad at them. But in my 13 years with Dish network I have yet to call where everything goes to plan the first time. Is it just the way things are or is ineptitude taught?

The latest episode was when I bought a 211k from the to replace an ancient 1000 receiver. Claude mailed it to me and everything was great. I installed the new receiver (hooked it up to the TV, the dish and plugged it in. After it got done with its initial DL, I called Dish to activate it and deactivate the old receiver.

The call was answered in seconds. The person I spoke to was very nice and took care of everything quickly. All is great, right?

Nope... Tonight when re-selecting that I get my bills by mail (I was one of the lucky ones selected to automatically be changed to paperless billing without my concent or knowledge until after the fact by a great VM---this is now three times I have to do this) I noticed that there was $15 + tax charge on my bill for a technician's visit!

I used the chat to get that removed (at least that is what the CSR said he would do. But this is the norm for least for me. You have to call once to do something and again a second, third or fourth time to get the error from the previous CSR corrected.

Just thought I'd vent!

See ya
You have to call once to do something and again a second, third or fourth time to get the error from the previous CSR corrected.

That seems to be norm. I replaced a receiver last month, simple swap. I had to call them about 4 times to get a returning box. In the process, I found out that the receiver I was replacing was still active in my account. In the end, it took about 4 calls just to get a dang box to return THEIR receiver.
In my 5+ years I was with Dish, I actually never really had any problems dealing with CSR's other than their foreign accents, in my first year with them.

The reason I left Dish was for programing not service issues. When I cancelled they tried like crazy to retain me, but couldn't offer the programing that was available from other sources that I wanted, and my return boxes for my receivers were at my doorstep like promised within 5 days.

If they ever add the programming I want, I wouldn't hesitate in returning to Dish.
Nope... Tonight when re-selecting that I get my bills by mail (I was one of the lucky ones selected to automatically be changed to paperless billing without my concent or knowledge until after the fact by a great VM---this is now three times I have to do this)

I have the opposite problem, after every conversation w/ a rep my paperless billing turns into billing by U.S. Mail.

This was a technical glitch that I remember even back when I was working there, once the rep would save the work in the account some of the drop-down boxes would automatically change to the opposite value from what was there when the acct. was opened.
I gave up calling them. It takes too long. Chat through Dish Customer Service is much faster and the CSRs usually have the right answer.
India strikes again. Dish the indian company

My experience is that Indian CS Reps are brighter than US CS Reps.

In the US, being a CS rep is an unskilled job for people with few credentials.

In India, being a CS rep requires you to speak two languages (or more) and deal with technical issues for products you have never seen.

And Tony's problem is obviously in the billing software and not the fault of the CS rep. The rep does everything correctly and the software still does the wrong thing.

PS I have had the same sort of problems when dealing with "CEO" reps in Colorado. I say "such and such is going to happen, right ?" and get a reply back "Yes, that is what is going to happen" and then it does not happen.
Anything technical you better go ahead and ask for a Tech person or you will get very upset in a hurry. Language skills are a must when dealing with a not so technical type.
Anything technical you better go ahead and ask for a Tech person or you will get very upset in a hurry. Language skills are a must when dealing with a not so technical type.

It's always better to call Tech Support for anything. :D

Tech Support people have to have a comprehensive knowledge of Dish Network and its operations.

A lot of standard CS reps (of all companies) do not really understand the products and just read from their computer screen.

Unfortunately, I do not think that Tech Support will answer billing questions. ;)
Tech support is almost always an American . Csrs are anybody's guess what you will get. I almost always hang up on the Apooh 7-11 voices as soon as they answer. The csr chat feature is nice because you can type it out and I usually get someone that is good at answering my questions and making the changes. But there are times when you can tell you got Apooh on the csr chat , because of the way they phrase things, in a way that you can tell English isn't there first language.
I got a voice mail as well. But I just checked, still setup as paperless. Dish has some real issues with their computer systems and customer billing. I called in once to get info on charges I had that were not adding up. they said they saw them on their system but I couldn't see them on my statement. so they said they would send me a copy showing the calculations.

Of course the copy I got had no detail on it, and when I looked online my statement had changed to the same no detail one. It was messed up for 2 months and they folks on the phone simply could not understand.
The turn over rate at the call centers is 3 months, meaning for the most part if you visit one today and again in 3 months, the entire staff will be new. If a CSR makes it for 5 months they are now "tech support". CSRs cause more problems than they solve. Maybe if they were paid a wage that didn't have them looking to quit as soon as they were hired, they would stay around and actually learn how to do their job properly.

Just today we found out that a tenant at one of our commercial apartment installs called E* with a problem, (saw the number in Sys info). They are supposed to contact the apartment manager, who will call us and we can be over in minutes. Not only were they not the account owner and not authorize to request a service call, but they called a residential CSR, not commercial (commercial and residential are 2 totally different departments at E*, residential CSRs aren't supposed to touch Comm. accts.). The CSR sent out a DNSC tech to our Commercial install. A lot of our Commercial installs are WAY over the head of your average DNSC tech (this one didn't happen to be) but all we need is some tech screwing around with our install. WHO pays for that if they screw it up and we need to fix it?

I feel your pain with CSRs, we deal with them everyday and they only seem to get dumber.

Dish has some real issues with their computer systems and customer billing.

I don't blame the CSRs entirely, they can only do so much with the tools management gives them. Dish Network's computer systems and billing is so screwed up that it doesn't surprise me to hear that the turn over rate is only 3 months. Heck, you need to have a Master degree from Dish University just to understand their billing system! :)
For the record the CSR I talked to was an American and seemed very knowledgeable. I will have to agree with kstuart that this was a computer programming error. It is just so frustrating.

Hell this weekend I am being slammed by all sorts of computer glitches from all sides. The fact that National City (my Bank and primary CC) is being folded into PNC Bank this weekend didn't help things. All the bill payments I had set up to be paid over the next few weeks (including Water, Electric, Gas, Garbage, Major CC, Mortgage and Property Tax) were paid on 2/19 so my bank account crashed and burned. I got all sorts of apologies from the CSRs at the bank, but I am still overdrawn on this account due to their error. BTW, I have had the same account # on my checking account for 30 years, but it is now in it's fourth bank. :) Thrift S&L was bought by Provident Bank which was sold to National City which was gobbled up by PNC. --- I wonder what the next ubber-bank that will buy out PNC

The Phone company had its glitch when I dropped my landline and de-bundled my wireless phone. They applied all my payments to the closed account so it had a credit balance and my wireless account was past due. When talking to the CSR I couldn't get it through her head I did not have a land line any longer, I only had a cell. I thought I was a character in "Mudd's Women" trying to explain a totally foreigh concept. I dropped my land line and no longer had to pay that bill, but wanted that amount that was improperly applied to the closed account to the past due account.

It's just been a perfect storm this February for me! :)
Hell this weekend I am being slammed by all sorts of computer glitches from all sides.

We have long ago entered into a situation where human society is too complicated, period.

Most people do not get enough sleep, because it takes too much time to run their personal life, and there is not enough spare time. Then, due to lack of sleep, they make mistakes at work.

A perfect example is that on my wife's PC, a message popped up:

You have unused desktop icons.

And so F***-ing what ?

Whose idea was it that we should care about that, and spend even one second of our life reading that message ?

Today, I had 5 messages on my answering machine.

All of them were from robot calling machines, and all of them were wrong numbers.

The idea that it is legal for a company to automatically call everyone is insane.
Hell this weekend I am being slammed by all sorts of computer glitches from all sides. The fact that National City (my Bank and primary CC) is being folded into PNC Bank this weekend didn't help things. All the bill payments I had set up to be paid over the next few weeks (including Water, Electric, Gas, Garbage, Major CC, Mortgage and Property Tax) were paid on 2/19 so my bank account crashed and burned. I got all sorts of apologies from the CSRs at the bank, but I am still overdrawn on this account due to their error. BTW, I have had the same account # on my checking account for 30 years, but it is now in it's fourth bank. :) Thrift S&L was bought by Provident Bank which was sold to National City which was gobbled up by PNC. --- I wonder what the next ubber-bank that will buy out PNC

WOW.. You'd think PNC would do things right (I hear a lot about this because I live in Ohio myself) ... From what I hear arn't they giving former Nat City customers all new account #s?

Luckly (well not really) I have Chase which was Bank One and they seemed to have done things smoothly when they went from Bank One to Chase.
I used the chat to get that removed (at least that is what the CSR said he would do. But this is the norm for least for me. You have to call once to do something and again a second, third or fourth time to get the error from the previous CSR corrected.

Just thought I'd vent!

See ya
Yep, Couldn't agree more.
Makes you wonder sometimes if these CSR's are really fullfilling your request, or if they are just sitting there doing their nails or texting on their phone.:mad:
And Tony's problem is obviously in the billing software and not the fault of the CS rep. The rep does everything correctly and the software still does the wrong thing.

This is a Multi Billion dollar company, Billing software isn't a valid excuse. When ever I call Dish for any issue, that has to do with programming or billing, I always plan for making 2-3 calls to finally get done what I need done. Now how sad is that?:(

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