Tivo IR Code for H20

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Original poster
Oct 14, 2006
Hey guys-

Despite my limited knowledge, I like to try and add a little bit to these forums, especially since I leach so much helpful information from them!! :rolleyes:

Anyways, I recently sent my piece of garbage, flick-on/off H20-600 back to DirecTV for a promised replacement receiver. Lucky, lucky me, they sent me back a shiny new H20-100 !protest Guess I gotta live with it now, since at least the darn thing isn't shorting out constantly. But after hooking it up, I realized that my Tivo IR blaster no longer changed any of the channels consistantly. So to make a long story short, in case anybody else has this problem, here we go.

If you go to the Advanced Setup in Tivo's channel changing menu, you get hundreds of IR codes to try. The one I got to work somewhat decently is 10074. I am currently on the slowest of them, though (10074-C), since the faster two missed a few digits here and there. So, I would like to open this topic up for discussion, especially to anyone who perhaps has found a more reliable (and quicker) IR code.

I do have to make one disclaimer, and that is that my IR blasters are probably not positioned 100% correctly. Not my fault, though, as I have to use scotch tape to hold them in place! I might not have ran out of adhesive if D* made a quality receiver in the first place!!
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