Tivo on ebay

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
May 19, 2004
If I buy a 120gb Samsung Direct Tivo on e-bay with the access card, will I be able to activate it with direct tv or will I run into problems? Also do you think that since I will be paying for the dvr protection plan that they will cover the one I would buy on e-bay?
Buying used you are taking a chance if the seller is honest about their claims, no charges on the card and the overall condition of the unit you can get a good deal.
But as always BUYER BEWARE!!
As far as the DVR protection plan I would contact the provider of that contract and ask them directly.
Good luck with it.
jvstrat said:
If I buy a 120gb Samsung Direct Tivo on e-bay with the access card, will I be able to activate it with direct tv or will I run into problems?

Unless the card is virgin, you will not be able to activate it. :no
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