Tivo stock off over questions on DirecTV future

John Corn

The Coach / Supporter
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Supporting Founder
Sep 6, 2003
North Canton, Ohio.
LOS ANGELES, Sept 25 (Reuters) - Shares of video recorder maker TiVo Inc. (nasdaq: TIVO - news - people) dropped more than 16 percent on Thursday after two analysts questioned whether partner DirecTV would continue working with it after a pending acquisition by News Corp Ltd.<NCP.AX>.

TiVo said that it had a close relationship with DirecTV and expected the relationship to continue.

Thanks John for posting that! That was a BIG rumor floating around here at the Dish Summit.

If it happens I got one thing to say....

"Charlie PLEASE save TIVO" :D
Dish did not buy ReplayTV why would they buy Tivo? Maybe if Dish got a good enough buy they would do so and perhaps they were waiting to buy Tivo instead.
I think that forbes article is horrible. The reason TiVo stock went down was because of what is called short selling. These people were just looking for a reason to sell their TiVo stock. If you keep an eye on the stock it will slowly go back up. There is no news here. We all have known that Rupert has his own DVR products, but we never said anything about DirecTV dropping TiVo until this article. We all know much better than that.
Maybe this is the article that put a scare into everyone...

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