to all the directv bashers out there, listen up!!

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Eric Goempel said:
WATER WATER WATER. everything else is poison!!!

You are like my 8 years old daughter... She prefers water all the time before drinking any type of juice....

Nobody mention V8's....
My 5 year old has ONLY had water and milk since he was born! He took a drink of spirit from my glass once thinking it was water and spit it all over the table!!!! I can not hack people giving kids soda or anything with sugar in it. My brother let his son drink Gatorade and the poor kid had 8 cavities before he was 6 years old!
Sean Mota said:
You are like my 8 years old daughter... She prefers water all the time before drinking any type of juice....
I am very fortunate to have a 6-year old who also prefers water and does not like any type of carbonate drink. So no teeth rot or brain damage (Aspartame) for her.:D

I prefer Coke, but since I now drink diet, I prefer Pepsi products (Pepsi, MD, MDCR) even though I don't want to. (They sponsor the evil Jeff Gordon and his ilk.;) )
This is all well and good guys, but this is also why it is hard to be taken seriously by the service providers. We need to address the issues you have with the companies. The more people letting the companies know of issues, the more likely the company will do something. Where TV is concerned, getting the highest quality picture is the most important issue. I still believe in getting good quality. Why would you buy a 2-3000 dollar TV to to get crappy service. That's how I felt about cable. and that's why I dropped them.
Personally, if you are going to make a desision based on HD, I must interject and raise a giant point. For for the HD technology is still brandy spankin new with all sorts of bugs and whatnot, not to mention the whole ooooo 20 channels to choose from. Just like any other new product, this is the testing phase... So instead of rushing out and buying all the necessary equipment, let's see what happens when the system is finally perfected. For all of you that have, no offense, you are setting the standards for the pricing and whatnot already, supply and demand determines higher figures. I hope you realize that.
Look at the overall quality of the picture promised to you and go from there. Between all of the so-so tv's the companies use to advertise the products, it is hard to make a proper desision. That "everybody is going to need a HD tv in 2007" is a giant load for some cable providers have not even converted to full digital yet, and cable has been out for over 20 years. Both satellite companies have come in and rocked the tv market, so that alone is good news. I like getting a straight feed from a dish instead of the satellite to cable company then to us nonsense cable does.
My personal experience is Dtv has been good to me and quite a few people I know, so I hope it continues to do so. All of the people i knew that has dishnet, did nothing but have problems and switched to Dtv. That tells me something there.
and like all the rest of the arguments presented, i don't drink soda, so let's do more product evaluation testing.
Who can argue with an idiot? Only an idiot can answer that. But, as far as #4 goes, you're absolutely right. When D* gets 150+ HD channels available. Everyone will jump to D* so they can watch all 4-6 channels in there market that will be allowed for them. 4 out of 150 ain't bad. I love it. Geeez, hurry up D*. I can't wait. I think I'll drop E* immediately and wait, like the other idiots.

But, realistically, Voom was the best. To bad they're no longer with us. So, in the meantime, I'll stay with E*, as long as I can afford it and at least until something better comes along. By the way, I have D*, I was only using it for Universal HD and ESPN2, along with Showtime HD. When E* allows me to upgrade to the 622, it's bye bye D*. I should drop them now anyway, cause I rarely watch it. A total waste of money, on this idiots part.

voomvoom said:
Who can argue with an idiot? Only an idiot can answer that. But, as far as #4 goes, you're absolutely right. When D* gets 150+ HD channels available. Everyone will jump to D* so they can watch all 4-6 channels in there market that will be allowed for them. 4 out of 150 ain't bad. I love it. Geeez, hurry up D*. I can't wait. I think I'll drop E* immediately and wait, like the other idiots.

But, realistically, Voom was the best. To bad they're no longer with us. So, in the meantime, I'll stay with E*, as long as I can afford it and at least until something better comes along. By the way, I have D*, I was only using it for Universal HD and ESPN2, along with Showtime HD. When E* allows me to upgrade to the 622, it's bye bye D*. I should drop them now anyway, cause I rarely watch it. A total waste of money, on this idiots part.



exactly what channels do you want directv to add?? the voom loop, aint never gonna happen.

so what channels does dish carry in HD that directv doesnt?? other than the voom promo loop?

please oh wise ex gloomer inform us brain dead directv zombies.
Well dragon002, I just feel that 150+ HD channels is an exagerated hype, when the ones in the know, like you, know you''ll only get 4-6 in your market. So, why brag about 150+ HD channels, why not brag that "we'll have HD LIL in your market first". 150 sounds like there's a bit more than 4-6.
I would like to see D* get every HD channel, including the "Voom" loop. And, since you say it ain't ever going to happen, no need to bother with D*. Now that D* has added TNT HD, that leaves Voom as the only HD that E* has over D*. To me that's what currently makes E* a good thing and D* a not so good thing. Of course an NFL Fan (not me) that can afford Sunday Ticket could argue that dish was better. But, that arguement could only last for half a year.
I'm not totally against D*. I'm not totally for E*. I am however totally for HD tv. The more the merrier. Currently of the 2, my choice is E*. If 4dtv (my real choice) and these 2 offered the same "Exact" programming, for the same price. I would only have 4dtv. As things are, I get what I can from all concerned to get what I can afford. To try and appease my appetite. And as long as I have both (D* & E*), I feel I'm as qualified an idiot as there is out there for bashing whichever I choose. They both need bashing. There is no arguement at the present, for me to pick D* over E*. So, until there is, voomvoom......

I get the venting part.
What i dont get is why , other than venting, why do we feel the need to bash either ?
It doesnt change anything IMHO, it gets personal sometimes, and frankly adds "noise" to the real "nuggets" about how to get the max out of the satellite system i have or am looking to have. my 0.2c
ScottChez said:
Unless you have had or have both, you should not be able to say one way or the other which is better, you have no right to , unless you have had both- other wise how do you know for sure about the other service (as they change often).

In the last 10 MOnths I have had both at the same time. I can say for a fact they are both very close and very good, about equal in everything generaly.

After all they are compeditors. One is better than they other at some things and one is better at the other, but in the end, they are both about equal.

So lets not start a bashing who is better than they other thread and all just get along, nothing to see here, move along. . .
I like dtv, still feeling the joy, Im a DISH BASHER at heart
GUYS for the last time the 150 National HD comment is DirecTV stating what the capacity will be once the last of the 4 scheduled birds is up; thats all. It is them saying we we have available space when any new channels come online, well beyond what is currently out there.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I hate Pepsi. :)

I actually have a CocaCola Shrine in my house with all kinds of Coke Collectibles.:D
dragon002 said:
point 5: Scott, you are correct...Pepsi rocks!!!!!!!!
Like all his other "facts", Dragon is way off base... 'nuff said.

:D :D :D
BlackHitachi said:
RUM and COKE for me or PEPSI just make sure we have some Rum in it too.
What he said!:up
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