Don't get me wrong as this site is invaluable to me and I thank you for it.
However, from the knowledge of a novice how would you go about picking
a decent receiver after having been stung by Pansat twice? No more Pansats
for me. I have read good/bad things about the Openbox/Solomend, the Azbox,
the Pansat Tc1000hd and it goes on. Then there are at least another 50 receivers out there. How would you as a novice pick from all this? Don't tell
me to read on Satelliteguys as the terms used are over my head. There is
no thread for terminology on the site that I am aware of which would help
guys like me. Then usually the people giving advice on receivers is the one
they own which does not mean it's a good or bad receiver. Just the one
they are used to. This is not good enough information for a potential buyer.
IMHO what would help is:
Does the mfg. give support, a decent 50 page manual for novices, updates,
a forum to ask questions, terminology explained in the manual (for ex: Rs232)
don't just list this term, give what it is once in the write up and then abbreviate
to your hearts content, is the unit obsolete, I'm sure I have missed some.
How about a place on Satelliteguys that asks specific questions about what
you want in a receiver. Answer these questions and then it would give a list
of possible receivers that meet your criteria. This way Satelliteguys would
not be responsible for recommending a specific receiver. These questions
would have to be geared for the novice. Otherwise it is useless.
If I can get rid of the latest Pansat fiasco, I will need another one. Oh my god
what a horrible experience to go through.
However, from the knowledge of a novice how would you go about picking
a decent receiver after having been stung by Pansat twice? No more Pansats
for me. I have read good/bad things about the Openbox/Solomend, the Azbox,
the Pansat Tc1000hd and it goes on. Then there are at least another 50 receivers out there. How would you as a novice pick from all this? Don't tell
me to read on Satelliteguys as the terms used are over my head. There is
no thread for terminology on the site that I am aware of which would help
guys like me. Then usually the people giving advice on receivers is the one
they own which does not mean it's a good or bad receiver. Just the one
they are used to. This is not good enough information for a potential buyer.
IMHO what would help is:
Does the mfg. give support, a decent 50 page manual for novices, updates,
a forum to ask questions, terminology explained in the manual (for ex: Rs232)
don't just list this term, give what it is once in the write up and then abbreviate
to your hearts content, is the unit obsolete, I'm sure I have missed some.
How about a place on Satelliteguys that asks specific questions about what
you want in a receiver. Answer these questions and then it would give a list
of possible receivers that meet your criteria. This way Satelliteguys would
not be responsible for recommending a specific receiver. These questions
would have to be geared for the novice. Otherwise it is useless.
If I can get rid of the latest Pansat fiasco, I will need another one. Oh my god
what a horrible experience to go through.