Two TVs on One Dish? Help!

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Sep 19, 2006
I am trying to run two receivers off one dish and I just used a splitter. I only get sat A to work on both TVs and Sat B and Sat C go out on both receivers when I hook both up at once. Somebody told me to get a switch so I went and got a Gecen MS-4401, but the darn thing does not work. I don't know if I am hooking it up wrong or what I'm doing. It has 8 ports in all. On one side It says LNB A 13v, LNB B 18v, LNB C 13v, LNB D 18 v and on the other side it says Rx1, Rx2, Rx3, Rx4. How do I hook the dish into the switch and go out to both receivers so I get all channels on both.

Thanks for any help you can give me!
ronstill said:
I am trying to run two receivers off one dish and I just used a splitter. I only get sat A to work on both TVs and Sat B and Sat C go out on both receivers when I hook both up at once. Somebody told me to get a switch so I went and got a Gecen MS-4401, but the darn thing does not work. I don't know if I am hooking it up wrong or what I'm doing. It has 8 ports in all. On one side It says LNB A 13v, LNB B 18v, LNB C 13v, LNB D 18 v and on the other side it says Rx1, Rx2, Rx3, Rx4. How do I hook the dish into the switch and go out to both receivers so I get all channels on both.

Thanks for any help you can give me!
What kind of dish are you hooking up ?, single LNB, 3 LNB , 5 LNB ?
The triple LNB set ups will have 4 lines coming off the dish, 1 of each lines go into the 13v, 18v, 13 v and 18v connections, you need them all connected, then run a line from your receiver(s) to the Rx1 , Rx2 ect.
Thats all there is too it.


It is just 2 receivers, you should be able to run both directly off of the dish, Based on the statement that you are not getting Sat B/C I assume that you have a PhaseIII which would mean you want to run a line straight from the second receiver to the LNB (there will be 4 outputs, doesn't matter which you use). Hook it up there, setup the receiver and you shoud be good to go.

WTT0001 said:
It is just 2 receivers, you should be able to run both directly off of the dish, Based on the statement that you are not getting Sat B/C I assume that you have a PhaseIII which would mean you want to run a line straight from the second receiver to the LNB (there will be 4 outputs, doesn't matter which you use). Hook it up there, setup the receiver and you shoud be good to go.


I agree. A splitter doesn't work. You need to run a line from each of the 2 receivers to the dish. Assuming you have the three lnb dish you can drive 4 receivers by running lines from each reveiver directly to the dish. If more than 4 receivers you need a matrix switch located in a central location. You'll need to run all 4 leads from the dish to the matrix switch and then a line from the switch to each of your receivers. Matrix switches can drive 8 or 12 receivers. Doesn't sound like you need that but if you go DVR it adds up quickly since both receivers in a DVR need a line either directly from the dish or from the matrix switch.
Hey Guys,

Thanks for all the responses! What I have is a directv dish that has two cables coming out of it. I don't have a clue what kind it is. One receiver is running off one cable and a second recevier is running off the second cable. That setup does not cause any problems. But when I try to run two receivers off one cable I lose Sat B and Sat C! Sat A still works! Somebody told me to buy a switch so i did, but i don't have a clue how to hook it up. It has 8 ports in all. On one side It says LNB A 13v, LNB B 18v, LNB C 13v, LNB D 18 v and on the other side it says Rx1, Rx2, Rx3, Rx4. Any help would be awesome!
Sounds like the round dish, each one of the two cables can feed ONE D* tuner, a splitter will NOT do what you think it will do, satellite is VERY different from cabletv where a splitter _would_ work.

In your case, you only need a multiswitch IF you need to drive more than 2 tuners (if you do indeed have the round dish) or more than 4 (if you have a 3lnb or AT9). If the info you provided was correct, you do not need that switch.

The round dish has 2 coax from the dish, the 3lnb and AT9 have 4. Each coax can drive ONE tuner. Switch is needed only if you exceed the amount of coax lines available from the dish. (2 or 4).
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Yep. You can only run one receiver off of each cable because of the 13 and 18 volt swithcing signals each receiver sends back to the lnb. If you ran two on one cable, there would be electronic confusion down the line.
:rolleyes: next time call directv to send out a technician to do the job . you have a round dish setup your receiver for a round dish with the dual lnb not the 3lnb dish. use the two satellite leads to connect on 18v and 13v to a multi-switch. since you have two dvr . thats mean you are going to have to connect 4 outlets on the 3x4 switch since each dvr uses two tuner .
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Is HD available on the 3LNB Dish?

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