Tonight after all was said and done, DBSTalk Admin Chris Blount and I got to talk. So many times things are blown out of proportion because written words can sometimes sound worse then the way an author intended it.
Chris appologized to me for acusing me of hacking into a site which belonged to me. He thought that the CafePress account was his, and did not understand that it was my personal CafePress account and that I was using it for other stores as well.
Certain things always sound worse when you read them. Trust me I was pissed when I saw what I was accused of.
When two people talk it does calm things down a bit and we both realize we are both human with the same goals.
Chris has my phone numbers is is always welcomes to call me. I also have given all our supporter my phone numbers as well. I have nothing to hide and am open to all and I am here to help EVERYONE get the most from their satellite systems.
I don't get paid for this, I do this because I like helping people out. I think ultimately Chris is the same way too.
I think and hope we can consider this entire mess CLOSED.
Thanks Chris for the Chat.
Chris appologized to me for acusing me of hacking into a site which belonged to me. He thought that the CafePress account was his, and did not understand that it was my personal CafePress account and that I was using it for other stores as well.
Certain things always sound worse when you read them. Trust me I was pissed when I saw what I was accused of.

When two people talk it does calm things down a bit and we both realize we are both human with the same goals.
Chris has my phone numbers is is always welcomes to call me. I also have given all our supporter my phone numbers as well. I have nothing to hide and am open to all and I am here to help EVERYONE get the most from their satellite systems.
I don't get paid for this, I do this because I like helping people out. I think ultimately Chris is the same way too.
I think and hope we can consider this entire mess CLOSED.
Thanks Chris for the Chat.