View english channels

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New Member
Original poster
Oct 22, 2006
I am new to this site so I hope I am in the right section. What I want to know is how I can view English channels Like UK Gold, BBC etc while I am living here in Mexico. I do not own a dish or decoder; these I will purchase if the above question is possible.
Thank you
There are no FTA British channels, BBC World is FTA with a C-Band dish, as is Euronews. Thats about it. There are feeds popping up on the Pas 9 satellite at 58ºw

There is also some British content on the Amazonas satellite at 61º, over the last few days I have seen BBC World, Cricket and soccer on this channel alone. Thats the thing with FTA you never know what channels will pop up as feeds!
There's lots of English speaking, as in United States, stuff up in fta... not so much English as in UK stuff, that's seeable from this continent... in other places of the world, that may be different though.
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