VIP 922 coming my way...

real neat, but still disappointing for 2010 when this should hit the streets.
how long must we want for dual hd dvr ird? I dont wanna see any soon replies:cool:
although ill probably upgrade to this ird when i have the chance
Did the activation last night. CS was very good and had issues since the unit is too new and no real info on the 922. She turned to her help desk to help get it activated. I *believe* they ended up doing it as a 722 (being the 922 isn't listed on their system) but my online dish account page shows it as a 922. The whole process did take about 25 minutes or so. No issues as to if I could get it activated, only how to do it on their end. One question raised earlier here was if I could get this activated on my home account. Issue was never raised from Dish.

I did get an email from Dish this morning, letting me know that Tech assistance would not be available due to this as an unreleased unit and their people not yet trained on the 922. But I have a point person to email with issues, which I thought was a good gesture vs. just letting me hang. I also asked her about a time line for the 922 and pricing. If I get a response, I'll let you know.

Playing with it a little last night showed me that some functions are not operable yet. Remote is cool once you understand how it works. UI is a new look and will take a little time to adjust to. Got good info from a post of Scott's on how to repair the remote. The documentation is a little lacking.

I did not get it so I could beta test the unit, but as a fully functional unit. My guess is that I will need to deactivate this and reactivate the 222 until more functions are working.

The only problem I have run up against is that the remote 2 ir lens cap is busted... one of the snap posts is broken and the cap does not stay on very well. Minor issue though.

All in all... things are good. I'm just a little early to the 922 party.
For what it's worth, I had to talk to Dish Tech support yesterday. The Tech was from the US so I asked about the 922 release timeline. He said that it had been discussed last week and that they were shooting for a mid December release.

No need to rant about reps not knowing anything. I'm just posting what I heard.
Congrats jnixson on getting the deal of the decade on that 922! I too would be happy to buy it from you if you don't want to beta test any longer. ;)
Playing with it a little last night showed me that some functions are not operable yet... I did not get it so I could beta test the unit, but as a fully functional unit. My guess is that I will need to deactivate this and reactivate the 222 until more functions are working.
Not having one of these to play with myself, I'm curious. What can a 222 do that a pre-release 922 can't?
Normal remote ! :D
Good guess P. Smith! But wrong. ;) The correct answer from the OP was "TV2". Apparently his 922 doesn't have dual mode enabled. Didn't y'all get that going via new firmware about a month ago?
Glad everything worked out OK for you jnixson3. More often than not, these kinds of eBay deals turn out sour -- even when buyer and seller are just miles apart. There was a member of another forum I am on that got ripped off on eBay. The seller got his money back because he was able to prove he was scammed ( new product swapped for old and returned ) -- which is VERY hard with when dealing with eBay. The buyer ended up getting busted because he left the metadata intact when he sent pictures to eBay as proof he sent the new one back. The metadata showed that the picture was taken AFTER the seller received the old merchandise back --- busted!!

So. Just to let you know. Those pictures you posted show what you took the pics with, when you took them, various other info about camera settings, AND, in the case of the iPhone, the phone's GPS co-ordinates. iPhone's GPS isn't really that accurate though since it puts you in the middle of a big field in Iowa. LOL
Not available to the public. Beta Testers for now. OP in all reality should not have been able to get the one he did.
Not available to the public. Beta Testers for now. OP in all reality should not have been able to get the one he did.

I've read this thread since it started, and have noted two distinct attitudes of posting.

There's the type of Smith, P. and Scott G. that respectfully make their opinion known. I think anyone will agree that this is the most constructive and informative posting for such a forum.

And then you've got KAB and Symbol (there's others, you're just the most obvious examples, sorry). Granted, they're both opportunistically skeptical, but with a distasteful amount of negativity. "In all reality should not have been able to get the one he did..."? Is there a different reality that I'm not (or the rest of us aren't) experiencing? This is reality and Mr. Johnston, IA was in fact able to obtain a highly-coveted 922 from a Mr. Altoona, IA - with free shipping!!! - what a mind blower!!!

So anyway, I quickly wanted to make that observation, and also let those that have posted helpful information know how much those us not green with envy have appreciated it.

Like always, it's nothing personal...
adryan16 said:
Granted, they're both opportunistically skeptical, but with a distasteful amount of negativity. "In all reality should not have been able to get the one he did..."?
Sorry, not seeing it here. Yes, OP did get jumped all over early in the thread, but this statement is simply a facts-based assessment of the situation. The 922 was made available for beta testing to dealers who attended Team Summit. OP is not in that demographic, therefore the "distastefully negative" statement.

Now since OP was able to get his 922 activated, understands it's a beta, and is willing to provide useful feedback where the eligible dealer wasn't, I say we should be glad he's part of the program.

move EHD from 622 to 211?

Anyone else just get local guide data?

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