Was There Really a National Release of the New HD UI?

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I just tried it on a HR24-100 and it's downloading 04D1, the same software I had. :(
Which is the NR, now if you have a version newer than that and you stopped the d/l before you get to 85% you'll be able to keep the other one.

90% is where the software starts to get implemented, so if you stop it before that, your ok.
Which is the NR, now if you have a version newer than that and you stopped the d/l before you get to 85% you'll be able to keep the other one.

90% is where the software starts to get implemented, so if you stop it before that, your ok.

Thanks for the tip. I didn't have the new software and that's why I tried it. :) First time actually that I forced a download, I will try the CE this Friday. If there's one.
RandallA said:
Thanks for the tip. I didn't have the new software and that's why I tried it. :) First time actually that I forced a download, I will try the CE this Friday. If there's one.

Seeing they missed last week, they will probably have one this week, come Friday.

Sent from my Samsung Epic using SatelliteGuys
If you want software with the HD UI just watch:

DirecTV Firmware Watcher

When 0x576 is depicted in "green" for you receiver execute the " 0-2-4-6-8 " routine as the receiver becomes active after a Reset. The forced DL procedure will always get you whatever is "green" for your box. Late nights and early morning on weekends will get you the CE but lately 0x576 is available overnight and for long periods of time.

My personal belief that 0x576 is not the a National Release as it has evolved from 573, 575, to 576 over the past few weeks. Until something is available 24/7, I don't think it is the National Release. I presume an installer has to update a box upon install and I doubt he will wait for midnight.

That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.
Thanks for posting how to do this. I downloaded 0x576 on both my HR24 and H24 yesterday. I tried the morning before when the box was green for my receivers but nothing happened. Yesterday it worked as advertised. The only difference was that I punched in the 02468 code immediately when the lights on the box came back instead of waiting for a blue screen.
I forced it @2 this am and it's working great. Very fast on my HR22. Love it. Thanks for the info about the firmware watcher.
If you want software with the HD UI just watch:

DirecTV Firmware Watcher

When 0x576 is depicted in "green" for you receiver execute the " 0-2-4-6-8 " routine as the receiver becomes active after a Reset. The forced DL procedure will always get you whatever is "green" for your box. Late nights and early morning on weekends will get you the CE but lately 0x576 is available overnight and for long periods of time.

My personal belief that 0x576 is not the a National Release as it has evolved from 573, 575, to 576 over the past few weeks. Until something is available 24/7, I don't think it is the National Release. I presume an installer has to update a box upon install and I doubt he will wait for midnight.

That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

I would have to agree with what your saying as far as the NR, I'm thinking that the NR is probably 0x04D1, seeing it's posted on most recvrs, remember the NR is not often the same on all recvrs.
Maybe I'm crazy but I really think my PQ is better since I did the download. Does that make any sense?
Well, even if it's only in my head I'll take it. I did leave room for that possibility.
A new one (least not listed in this thread anyway) is in the wild, 0x58D. Updating my HR22-100 as I type this.

Edit: Updated and working great on my HR22/100 and H25's so far. The HR22/100 is rather fast now, not as fast as the H25's, but a great improvement.
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Ok downladed it it works gr8 except gide has frozen on me twice and i noW do not have directv cinima or any on damands at that

The cinema and vod takes a while to come back. Wait a day or so.
It shouldn't be freezing, though. This is the new hd gui, yes?
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