Watching a president tank:( (bush)

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the troops are tired of being lied to about how long they are going to be deployed. There tired of seeing there buddies god damn legs getting blown off because we got some moron that can't even spell his name with a power trip.

Nonfarm payroll employment grew by 243,000 in February, and the unemploy-
ment rate was little changed at 4.8 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics
of the U.S. Department of Labor reported today. Job gains occurred in con-
struction, financial activities, health care, and several other industries.

Unemployment (Household Survey Data)

Both the number of unemployed persons, 7.2 million, and the unemployment
rate, 4.8 percent, were little changed in February. A year earlier, the num-
ber of unemployed was 8.0 million, and the jobless rate was 5.4 percent.

By contrast the 3 year average 1993-1995 6.2%

and 2001-> 2003 5.5%

Source, Labor and statistics.

Try doing some research first BrettTRay
BrettTRay said:
There tired of seeing there buddies god damn legs getting blown off because we got some moron that can't even spell his name with a power trip.

Hmmm. More Name calling. What a surprise.

Perhaps what you meant is; They are tired of seeing their buddies god-damned legs getting blown off because we have some moron that can't even spell his name on a power trip
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BrettTRay said:
I'm in awe at the amount of people on here that I would have considered intelligent that get sucked into the conservitive lies. You know all you people that bitch every time you call a company for support and you get transferred to an Indian person, well guess what, Bush said that "this is good for the American people" when he was in India a couple weeks ago. It's good alright, good for the rich business owner but bad for the american worker. I dare anyone on here to argue this FACT - The wealthier people of America have gotten richer and the poor to middle class have lost since Bush has been in power. It kills me that you all make the Nazi jokes about us Liberals, if anyone should be called a Nazi it should be the republican party. Look at Bush's Dictator ways. We are fighting a war in Iraq that shouldn't have even have started. The whole world said it was wrong to go invade Iraq except us and England. Bush lied to the whole world and said Hussain had WMD. We haven't found sh*t except a few gas masks, so where did the WMD go?? I guess the big bad terrorists from Iraq that were in together with Bin Ladin hid them under there pillows. By the way, someone forgot to tell Bush that Hussain and Bin Ladin hate each other. Bin Ladin has been quoted as calling Hussain a "infidel". Just another one of Bush's many lies to the American public that doesn't care enough about what is going on to do some research and find out what is really going on behind Bush's dictatorship. When I saw Bush land on that aircraft carrier after flying in that fighter jet and get out and say "Mission acomplished", it almost made me want to throw up. Everyone tries to say Clinton was a draft dodger but Clinton was in a Ivy League college when Vietnam was going on, he didn't dodge sh*t. The Texas Air National Guard was full and George W. couldn't get in so Bush Sr. pulled some strings and got G.W. in the Alabama National Guard by buying G.W. a house in Alabama so he would have a Alabama address so he could get in and his chances of going to 'Nam where slim to none. In that time you were either in college, in the national guard, or you were drafted and went to 'Nam. It is a cold hard fact that G.W. is driving America to its knees. Hard working Americans are losing thousands of jobs everyday because of this ass hole. I guess you all won't wake up till its YOUR job that goes to a Communist that doesn't give two sheets about your family or if they eat tonight or have a warm place to sleep. If you all can't see that voting Democrat benefits the working man then you must be deaf, dumb, and blind. I could go on for hours but it won't change anything until you want to see how bad it has gotten. I just hope that when Americans do finally wake up from the brainwashing that Bush has put on you all that we haven't dug a hole that will take 20 years to get out of. Anyway, flame away. What do I know, I'm just a dumb nazi democrat.

SIEG HIEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
T2k said:
My thought is that you're painfully ill-educated on not only about our needs but also on the whole economics of the world. Of course, it isn't a problem as long as you only posting these idiocies in online forum threads...:devil:

PS: I'm an immigrant. non-native English speaker and maybe you're too but I have to say that your spelling is HORRIBLE, pal...

oh i forgot YOU were educated on the continent. how utterly american of me to think we are better than the rest of the world.

yeah, you cant even fish in the gulf of mexico anymore with all the boats filled with starving americans, heading for a better life in cuba.:devil:
T2k said:
HAhaha, this is a good one... so we have to actively go out and search for good news, ignoring the bad ones.?

See, that is a firm example of what is wrong with Liberals, they will actively seek out, search for and report negative news, but refuse to report or look for good news.

All liberals do is complain about everything, they have no plan and they offer no plan, they just complain.:confused:

The only agenda liberals have is negativity towards Bush and conservatives, and that is why they can't win elections.

As long as liberals keep behaving in this negative, and doom and gloom manor, we conservatives have nothing to worry about, so I say "Bring it On" because America will not elect a bunch of negative doom and gloom naysayers, it just won't happen.
shugo77 said:
See, that is a firm example of what is wrong with Liberals, they will actively seek out, search for and report negative news, but refuse to report or look for good news.

All liberals do is complain about everything, they have no plan and they offer no plan, they just complain.:confused:

The only agenda liberals have is negativity towards Bush and conservatives, and that is why they can't win elections.

As long as liberals keep behaving in this negative, and doom and gloom manor, we conservatives have nothing to worry about, so I say "Bring it On" because America will not elect a bunch of negative doom and gloom naysayers, it just won't happen.
Don't get me wrong, I love living in the south but most of the people here share your views on politics which in turn is what is holding us back on alot of things. My favorite southern misconception, "I'm not voting for a democrate because they want't to take away my guns". Find me one democratic president who has ever tried to take a legal law abiding citizen's guns away and I will kiss my own ass.
T2k said:
My thought is that you're painfully ill-educated on not only about our needs but also on the whole economics of the world. Of course, it isn't a problem as long as you only posting these idiocies in online forum threads...:devil:

PS: I'm an immigrant. non-native English speaker and maybe you're too but I have to say that your spelling is HORRIBLE, pal...

T2k, hey i found one of your fine upstanding "progressive" europeans. millions of europeans loved this guy.


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BrettTRay said:
Hard working Americans are losing thousands of jobs everyday because of this ass hole.

Well Brett? No comment? I posted some real numbers for you. Tell us again about those thousands of jobs we are losing. The entire premise of your post was BS. Typical.
I'll say this and I'm finished with this topic. Guys, before you go to the voting booth and just start punching ballots, read into what and who you are voting on and not vote for someone because it is the popular thing to do or your parents are democrat or your buddy is a republican. Vote for the person that you think will be best for your interests and someone that is for the working man and not only interested in making the rich richer by the working mans blood,sweat, and tears. I have done my research and am very much a democrat. The only way I could ever see someone wanting to vote for republican is if they had a large sum of money or they were a business owner. Besides that a democrat being in office will always benefit me and my family and I think if you really erase all the lies that people have told you and start with a unbiased mind and find out what these money hungry people are really doing to this country then I am sure that you will come to the decision that voting democrat will benifit you also. Above all things, no matter what, at least vote. That is what our four fathers died over so that we would have that priviledge. I would much rather see someone vote republican because it was in there best interests than to see someone not vote at all. To me not voting is unpatriotic. If you don't vote you have no room to bitch.
BrettTRay said:
I'll say this and I'm finished with this topic. Guys, before you go to the voting booth and just start punching ballots, read into what and who you are voting on and not vote for someone because it is the popular thing to do or your parents are democrat or your buddy is a republican. Vote for the person that you think will be best for your interests and someone that is for the working man and not only interested in making the rich richer by the working mans blood,sweat, and tears. I have done my research and am very much a democrat. The only way I could ever see someone wanting to vote for republican is if they had a large sum of money or they were a business owner. Besides that a democrat being in office will always benefit me and my family and I think if you really erase all the lies that people have told you and start with a unbiased mind and find out what these money hungry people are really doing to this country then I am sure that you will come to the decision that voting democrat will benifit you also. Above all things, no matter what, at least vote. That is what our four fathers died over so that we would have that priviledge. I would much rather see someone vote republican because it was in there best interests than to see someone not vote at all. To me not voting is unpatriotic. If you don't vote you have no room to bitch.

you vote democrat? well you could have knocked me over with a feather.
did you really have FOUR fathers? boy democrats are lucky, i only had one.:rolleyes:
Poll: Republicans Are Happier Than Democrats
Wed Mar 15 2006 10:14:36 ET

The Pew Research Center recently updated a question about happiness that the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago has been asking since 1972.

In every asking of the question, ROLL CALL reports, Republicans have been happier than Democrats.

Republicans tend to be better off than Democrats, and that is one explanation for the happiness gap. But when the researchers controlled for household income, Republicans at all income levels were happier than Democrats at those same income levels.

As for ideology, conservative Republicans were happier than conservative Democrats, and moderate to liberal Republicans were happier than comparable Democrats.

Thats my last post - I do not want to be put on the bad list.
Eric Goempel said:
BOB would not know a fact of it hit him up side his head.
He seams only interested in wasting the time of people much smarter than he by using totally illogical thoughts

Would that be the same brand of logic that says that everyone who clicks a button on a survey on the Al Jazeera website is a miliant Islamist? Glass houses, man (and transparently racist to boot). A lot of spoon-fed assumptions here, alot of predictable name-calling--a lot of unintelligent babble.

Which raises a question...shouldn't the press rely on critical thinking and challenging the establishment, or should they be a thinly veiled PR firm for such? I certainly don't feel safer in a Pravda society, where the press is just a fax-machine fed mouthpiece of party talking points. They're called the 'third estate' for a reason, to be independent watchdogs. Independent, i.e. not cheerleaders. And before somebody pulls your talking doll string and you screech, "Support the Troops!", think...that's exactly what a critical press is doing, watching their back, so the troops aren't used and abused, but implemented w/ respect for their lives and their willingness to sacrifice themselves on command. You insult them by claiming that a blind factless society deluded by booster club mentality is better for them, or for us. They're smarter than that, as should we be, and deserve nothing but the whole truth (and some decent body armor, and maybe their veterans' benefits not getting cut). If the facts uncovered are uncomforable, for God's sake, drop the shoot the messenger routine, it's old and a man and take it, learn from it, do something with it. Like push for reform.

I'm outta here. There's work to do.
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T2k said:
Newsflash: overwhelming majority of the military supports the idea of an immediate withdrawal.

NightHawk said:
Total BS.

Of course, this will simply lead to flaming the source, the bias of the Tribune News Service, and Bob, T2Kand myself, but what the hell.

What I really hate about the conservatives on this thread is their inability to accept the fact that people can disagree with them without being villains. Good people disagree on policies all the time. It is the basis of a two party system, and when people try to stifle debate with threats, we end up with McCarthy-like fear and loathing.

As I have been watching this thread, I have seen Bob and others mostly bring up talking points and Dragon and other conservatives mostly responding with personal attacks. It really sucks folks.

BTW, I believe this is my 100th post. Only took me 3 years to get there as I generally only post when I think I have something significant to contribute. Unfortunately, this BS has stepped it up for me somewhat.
BrettTRay said:
The only way I could ever see someone wanting to vote for republican is if they had a large sum of money or they were a business owner.

OK this last one hit a nerve. I am a Disabled American Vet. Not a business owner or someone with large sums of money. I live on Disability from social Security and I am on Medicare at age 35. So why do I vote Republican? Because the stand for SOMETHING! Dems stand for nothing. They play both sides of EVER issue to try to gain votes and therefor more power.

Dems Depend on you being poor and need you to STAY poor so you will vote for them. The worst thing you can do is go out and get a job so you can start caring for yourself and find out you do not need the dems to control your life.

Want to REALLY make a dem mad?, INVEST 10 bucks in a stock- when it hits 20 sell it then invest 10 bucks in 2 stocks- repeat until you actually have money to care for yourself and do not need to stay on welfare.

I will most likely get banned for this but it needs to be said.

What is the base of the dems-

1 WOMEN- dems make them fear that their right to abortion will be taken away
2 IMAGRANTS- dems make them fear that republicans will kick them out of the country
3 THE POOR- dems make them fear the republicans will make the get JOBS
4 MINORITIES- dems make them fear that "the man" is after them
5 UNIONS- dems make them fear that republicans are trying to kill the unions

The only ones costing the union workers their jobs are the unions Go on strike and demand that you pay zero percent of your health care costs. Wake up to the real world EVERYONE pays part of their health care cost. I am sorry that you union people might have to stop seeing a specialist doctor to remove that hangnail you got reading a book at work -life sucks. Every time you go on strike you force another company overseas. Its about the bottom line.

Hunt valve here in Salem went on strike to stop the company from trying to make the worker have a co-pay for their health care. The won their strike. Guess what. 6 months later the building is for sale and the company is moving overseas. Now those same workers are crying that "bush" came in personally and took their jobs away. Now they are going to work at Wal-Mart and McDonald's because that is the only jobs their lack of education can get them. But hey they got free health care for 6 months!!!! Now they lost their 45 dollar an hour job and are filpping burgers for min wage. I laugh in their faces when I see them because they have no one to blame but their own GREED!!!!
NightHawk said:

Wit that puts ANOTHER giant hole in the dems fear machine!!

This comes from this weeks boo hooo e-mail from the king of dems

"The sick behavior of desperate Republicans will only stop when we fight back, and 2006 is the time to do it.

Thank you,

Governor Howard Dean, M.D."

Talk about attacks- and what state is he goverenor of anyway? OH YEAH - the state of insanity!!!
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