weird with receiver


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 25, 2014
:) life
ok at 4 3 0 am i woke up, time seemed to be right on receiver, although i could be wrong.
at 8 30 am i felt tired, went to bed, woke up and saw that the time for the receiver it 10 am, but the news is about to start and its 11 am, but the receiver time is showing 10 am.

some how all the timers are set for a different time now, all bonkers. so like now i have judge judy on for 5 pm, but its showing the time for 4 pm instead, where as it should show for 5 pm. hmm
anyone else having this problem.
eastern pa.
btw i will leave it like this and maybe it will be fixed later.
just wanna see if others are experiencing said issue too.

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