Welcome New Members! (Please Say HI here!)

I've been doing lots of reading in the forums and I've really learned allot. I'm trying to learn as much as I can before posting so I don't ask a bunch of stupid questions but I thought I should take a moment and say thanks to all for such a great place.
Good afternoon. I am new and found this site with a google search. I am having an issue with my HD reception and was looking for a resolution. This is a great site and I expect I can find and learn a lot. Thanks for letting me join up.
Hi everyone. I just found this place a few weeks ago when I was googling some question I had on my dish account. I've learned a lot already, and am about to make my first official post. Everyone here is so knowledgable, I can't wait.
Glad to be here, hoping for answers ...

Hi there,

Our family loves Movies, Music, and rescuing abused dogs such as Spanish Galgos and North American Greyhounds. Galgos are probably the most severely abused dogs in the world today.

Anyway, I joined this Forum because we just got back from Germany in February 2010 after having lived there for 5 years with Satellite Television which is being enjoyed by millions of residents there.

I'm getting ready to write a really large post because we were hoping to have Satellite TV here in the USA too (Florida) but apparently that's an issue that's far more daunting, confusing, and more importantly ... EXPENSIVE ... than it was in Germany. My head is spinning with a deluge of mostly useless or unsatisfactory information.
Hopefully I'll get lucky and find some good answers here.