What should I use to make a dish cover snow/ice?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 4, 2004
Central NY State
It's that time of year. Snow/ice
I have a Channel master fiberglass 74/ small P* dish
I also have a 36" round standard offset dish.

What materials should I use to make a cover.
How is tyvak to use?
What about using a thin tarp?

I see the pros are black and wrap tight around the main dish leaving the arm exposed.

There was a couple of threads last winter, but danged if I can locate them. Tyvek, I would think, should work well, except for the lack of colors. Think you'll only find white with, I think, red and blue signage to work with. I know there was a couple of aerosol products mentioned, to apply to the dish and, I also think, the working end of the LNBF. But, can I find the threads, or bookmarks, uh, no.
Tyvek works fine, I have used it on my dishes. The problem though, is that it only lasts about 2-3 years, rots then falls apart. I suppose you could paint over it with a non reflective paint, and that might make it last longer.

I stopped using it, and just spray my dishes with a silicone spray, so snow slides off easily.
There is a coating for fiberglass. You use it for boat hulls and shower stall walls. I have wondered if it would work for a fiberglass dish or for a painted metal dish. I am having a hard time remembering the name, though. I can kind of see the can that it came in in my mind. Kinda a pinkish label on white background. Gel Gloss? Something like that.

Yep! Gel-Gloss, here it is... Welcome to Gel-Gloss

Don't know how it would work on a painted metal dish. But, wouldn't hurt to try it on the backside of the dish and see how well of a finish it creates.

My personal idea that I would like to test is to use a 1/8" thick piece of clear Lexan cut to fit the outer perimeter of the dish and screwed into the perimeter to hold it in place. Then spray it with silicone or this Gel Gloss. I'd have to hold a small piece in front of the feedhorn to ensure that it didn't diminish the signal first.

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In the 9 years I've had FTA I dont use anything. I just put the dish on true south and let the sun melt any of the snow. Also due to my setup the dish is pretty low on the roof so if we get 3-4 inches of snow I have to snow rake around them anyways so I just clean the dishes off then :)
I mean when you have something like this after a snowstorm.....nothing will help ;)


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Snow or ice build-up on a small KU band reflector has minimal effect on the signal. Snow or ice on the LNBF face or build-up on the arm in front of the LNBF is a major problem. Here in the Sierras they often use Rain Shield on the LNBF face and a fabricated triangle on the arm and coat it with Rain Shield or wrap the arm with heat tape. If build-up on the reflector is an issue, heat tape or a heater strip designed for satellite dishes is applied to the reflector. I have only observed the reflector heating in commercial installations or in extreme situations where the prevailing wind will drift snow to envelope the dish and build out to the LNBF.

If aesthetics are not an issue, consider using a large poly garbage bag over the entire dish and arm. The thin plastic will flex in the slightest breeze and shed any accumulation. I once saw a very innovative solution with a small automotive 12vdc fan/heater clipped to the LNBF arm keeping the poly bagged dish warm and cozy..... Wouldn't have done that myself, but I thought it was very creative "out of the box" thinking!
Thanks for all the info so far.
I will try the bag idea around the arm and LNBF.
This is for dishes used to receive RTV then rebroadcasted OTA.
I suggested options, but to be honest I don't use anything to prevent snow and ice on my dishes. We get a lot of snow and freezing rain here and I never if rarely have any troubles. In seven years I think that I swept the snow off the dish twice because it was a problem and that was on my WildBlue sat, not the TV sat dish.

I really don't think that it is a major concern. Maybe you get a lot of snow, more than we do here. But, for the past three years, we have had major snowstorms and I never had a problem. The main trouble stemmed from rain in the sky between the dish and the satellite. You can't do anything about that.

Anyone ever try pipe heater strips on the bottom back of the dish to heat it up and melt the accumulation. They are even thermostatically controlled. You would have to be creative on how you attatch it. Ive seen some types u put on the front base of the dish too. Just an idea ive never tried.
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Bad People Selling Clones!

Signal great at dish, but not at receiver

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