So starting a month or two ago, I came inside and noticed my signal fading out. I went out and tweaked the Dish and got it good again. Signal strength was in the mid to high 70's on 110 and 119 and in the high 50's on 129. It worked great for two weeks or so, but then I noticed it again. I tweaked my Dish again thinking maybe it had gotten moved. Well, anyway fast forward to today, and I'm having the problem again. Every 1-2 minutes the signal drops off. It will stay on the screen partial signal loss until I change channels. As soon as I change channels, it comes back on again, for 1-2 minutes then it will do the same thing. I can instantly change channels and come back and it will work for a minute or two, or I can sit there for 5 minutes and it will keep saying it doesn't have signal. It does this on channels on all 3 satellites. Any idea's as to what's gone bad?