What's growing? or evading your place, i'm fighting BAMBOO


Retired C-Band dealer
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Sep 4, 2007
I couldn't find a place to put anything about fighting an invasive species growing, and taking over your place, so i hope no one will get mad at me if i post my experience of fighting BAMBOO I PLANTED ABOUT 12 YEARS AGO if i posted it in the wrong area, I'm very sorry, and please tell me where to do it, if that's possible

It wasn't really growing much, it never really got bigger than an area the size of a large pickup truck, my neighbor in the back of me who has not let me cut the trees on the line ever since I tried, when i needed to see the satellites, had finally said you know Gary i was wrong all those years i shouldn't have stopped you from cutting those trees. He even wanted some money now out of me, damn it.

Well, he brought in a crew and cut about enough trees to make 50 cord of wood, then i decided, hey, I would like to have my garden grow again so i cut about 60 cords of trees from my place and i gave both his and mine away for free firewood

The next year my bamboo grew in an area the size of about 200 x 200 feet, it's even under my workshop, the roots broke off, still hoping to figure out to rip them out, I had to get a bobcat E50 that my buddy AL had come and rip it all out, its frozen in a pile but still alive, and i take it to the dump to be burned every few days got so much of it


There was a lady at my place who pushed our state of CT. to make planting of running bamboo illegal, she saw my bamboo, and i took some videos and she's been putting them on YouTube for anyone to see, so people would wake up and kill it before its takes over your place, it is trying to destroy my fancy stone wall, my house, my yard, I swear its not from the planet earth


Gary Diamond
There are two types of bambo: The grow everywhere kind, and the limited kind. You got the wrong kind. You are doomed

Good freaking luck.

You will have to continue the fight forevrer!
Then I'm going MOW IT TO DEATH it, can’t live without green leaves for long, if you think it can, how? The energy is in the roots to make new tops, if I keep cutting the tops, to these baby roots left, it can’t possibly hold much energy for long, and the roots will drain themselves of the stored energy and die!!!!!

If you click on the video of me, fighting bamboo, could you click on the like button, i'm trying to get the rating up on the video so more people see it, and learn from my

dumb mistake, trying to stop yellow running bamboo, is like trying to stop a heard of walkers, it keeps growing like the walking dead, its make more of itself it will even

grow over stone, and create it's own soil, it takes on any shape to do that, it can become a green snake moving over rocks or it can fan itself out into a a thin net

catching it's own leaves from nearby bamboo plants, until it makes its own soil, here is a pic of it attacking my stone wall, i had to dig down 4 feet to find the main root

embedded way down, i power washed the roots to remove the soil to taker a better picture IMG_0237.JPG
That stuff is horrible to get rid of and the cold doesn't kill it. After you cut it off, try squirting some type of weed killer down the hollow center of the stalk. It'll grow back from the tiniest piece that you don't kill and it can live a very long time with nothing on top above ground when you just cut it off.

My sister planted some of that stuff at my parent's house and it was horrible. The only way we found to get rid of it was squirting gas and weed killer down the stalks after they were cut off and even then it took a real long time to get rid of it.
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Does Roundup work on the leaves? Obviously, if the leaves are 30' in the air, it makes application a problem.
I CAN'T USE IT, even if it worked i would have to use so much that it would poison my well's drinking water, and me too, i have 3 main roots left about 4 -9 feet long running under my shed, the way my shed is build you can see there's no room in this picture where they ran under it. But from the 90 degree angle of that side to the left is about 12 inches where i'm going to take a 8 foot 1/2 ground rod i used to use for C-band, and bend the end into a hook and try to fish them out, they may not be deep, i hope they didn't dive down trying to get out, understand bamboo is sooooo weird i swear it thinks of ways to spread. The end of the runner is a soft point and it feels its way around, it can feel cold, light, a hard surface, and somehow it knows what to do next to win! BAMBOO ATTACKING MY SHED close up.jpg
If chemical treatment is not an option (I'd use Tordon RTU in a squirt bottle, I don't think Roundup would do it without repeated applications—Tordon might even need a couple), then mowing regularly for years or digging up the roots are your best options. Either will be difficult. Best of luck.
Well, 98% of all the roots are gone, dug up and either in a pile waiting to unfreeze from its dirt, so I can take it to the dump to be burned,or it's already burned, now it's a waiting game to see if the walking dead bamboo come back to life, from the tiny roots that broke off, and somehow didn't die from being frozen solid for 3 months, and at times as low as minus 12 degrees

I don't want to use any chemical scare to death to have it get into my water system. I have a well here, so I don't want to drink any chemicals at all, I almost died from taking a high blood pressure pill called losartan, and at one point I only had 35% kidney function left, saw experts and all they could say is you're dying and we really don't know why, i went on the FDA web site, and used their search engine and put every one of my drugs in, and the word kidney failure, the second one I put in popped up. When i told my doctors, which was the next day, all they said was I think it would be best to stop it, damn, I went apeshit on them, hell didn't you know?, didn't you read my med. List, that was all nicely typed up in big fonts, and caps, i fired them all, every mother $##@ one of them. Now i got young female doctors, so you can understand how i feel about using any chemicals.
Well, 98% of all the roots are gone, dug up and either in a pile waiting to unfreeze from its dirt, so I can take it to the dump to be burned,or it's already burned, now it's a waiting game to see if the walking dead bamboo come back to life, from the tiny roots that broke off, and somehow didn't die from being frozen solid for 3 months, and at times as low as minus 12 degrees

I don't want to use any chemical; scare to death to have it get into my water system. I have a well here, so I don't want to drink any chemicals at all, I almost died from taking a high blood pressure pill called losartan, and at one point I only had 35% kidney function left, saw experts and all they could say is you're dying and we really don't know why, i went on the FDA web site, and used their search engine and put every one of my drugs in, and the word kidney failure, the second one I put in popped up. When i told my doctors, which was the next day, all they said was I think it would be best to stop it, damn, I went apeshit on them, hell didn't you know?, didn't you read my med. List, that was all nicely typed up in big fonts, and caps, i fired them all, every mother $##@ one of them. Now i got young female doctors, so you can understand how i feel about using any chemicals.
Salt is organic weed control, it will not discriminate and kill everything. You can buy a 50lb sack of stock salt at just about any farm supply store. Just a thought since chemicals are out of the question.
You know....you learn something new here at SatGuys every day. I always thought Bamboo was a tropical plant. Go figure! Anyway, although life-killing chemicals would be my first choice, you're doing the right thing by not messing with such things around your well. Salt and vinegar may be effective at killing any remaining roots given your extensive root pulling coupled with their exposure to the arctic vortexes. But in small amounts, of course, since excessive salt will find its way into your water system.

As for drugs, I don't take 'em unless I really, really, really need 'em. I fired the orthopedics special who prescribed Celebrex and other arthritis medicines for my knee...15-years of that crap and my kidneys and liver would have been in distress. And I've quested and/or fired other doctors whose first impulse is to write a prescription. Ugh!

Anyway, good luck with your bamboo from hell problem. I'm having nightmares just listening to your hell-on-earth experiences with the stuff. Oh, and I'll make sure I keep an eye out for the stuff on my property.

Well, 98% of all the roots are gone, dug up and either in a pile waiting to unfreeze from its dirt, so I can take it to the dump to be burned,or it's already burned, now it's a waiting game to see if the walking dead bamboo come back to life, from the tiny roots that broke off, and somehow didn't die from being frozen solid for 3 months, and at times as low as minus 12 degrees

I don't want to use any chemical; scare to death to have it get into my water system. I have a well here, so I don't want to drink any chemicals at all, I almost died from taking a high blood pressure pill called losartan, and at one point I only had 35% kidney function left, saw experts and all they could say is you're dying and we really don't know why, i went on the FDA web site, and used their search engine and put every one of my drugs in, and the word kidney failure, the second one I put in popped up. When i told my doctors, which was the next day, all they said was I think it would be best to stop it, damn, I went apeshit on them, hell didn't you know?, didn't you read my med. List, that was all nicely typed up in big fonts, and caps, i fired them all, every mother $##@ one of them. Now i got young female doctors, so you can understand how i feel about using any chemicals.
While Googling "invasive bamboo" I came across "completebamboo.com" which had a summary of a couple of the popular bamboo varieties used for decorative plantings. They also included the minimum temperatures the varieties could tolerate. Like others, I thought bamboo needed temperatures above freezing, but one type listed could handle -5 F.

The Black Bamboo (http://www.completebamboo.com/species_bamboo/phyllostachys_nigra.html) sounded pretty cool, though, but it is the type that spreads through running rhizomes.

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