I wish the new Sportscenter showed more HD clips, but I watch alot of ESPN-HD. At least the content changes. I like DiscoveryHD, but how about something new ???
I couldn't live without HBO. This was the original reason I held off on voom until they added it. Sunday night is HBO, and I also love the movies and boxing. Hands down my favorite channel (overall).
I know they have limited HD content - but what they do show in HD is of high interest to me. I'd definitely vote for ESPN-HD - along with Worldsport and Rave
I love HBO HD....even if they crop it to fill the whole screen. They have the best movies and shows. I watched Spiderman the other day and it looked fantastic. Im looking foward to this sat night ...terminator 3 in HD!!
Monsters Hd is great also...they just need some more movies. Also, DiscoveryHD is alot of fun to watch....cant wait to see what Equator HD has for us.
since cinema10 got only 3.66% will they trash it now? I see Moov is neck and neck with inside voom. actually inside voom has more compelling content IMO. LMAO