Well for a lot of the most requested HD channels, DirecTV already carries the SD channel. Almost all the cable providers offer many national HD channels that DirecTV does not. I could care less if DirecTV just hooked up to Time Warner Cable, Comcast, or whatever local cable company is near their headquarters. Rent a bunch of HD boxes, connect some HDMI and uplink that content.
They already pay Rainbow media for AMC for example... What's the harm in showing it in HD? Wouldn't Rainbow media PREFER their content was viewed in HD by a larger audience? It would make their content look so much better, and more people are willing to watch HD programs than SD. More viewership = more money from advertising. Plus I'm sure the director of Mad Men, for example, would much rather people enjoy his content in glorious HD. After all that hard work and time the production team put into the show, wouldn't they want people to enjoy it in the best quality as possible?
Same theory goes for BBC America, Fuse, G4, Style, E!, CNN Headline News, and many more.
Seems like the content providers need to give DirecTV a quick swift kick in the arse... or something. Time Warner Cable, Comcast, Charter, Cox, Service Electric, Mediacom, Suddenlink, AT&T, Verizon, and many others aren't having this problem. What makes DirecTV any different? And Beyonce said this would be an "upgrade". HA! What does she know, she was paid lots of money to sing that song and dance around on the commercial.