Where to purchase H20-100

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Dec 17, 2003
Anyone know where I can purchase a H20-100? The H20-600's I've had did have too many issues. Thanks
I called DirecTV when my H20-600 because it was way too hot and it started rebooting itself. DirecTV sent me a H20-100 for $20 for shipping. It's worth giving them a call to see what they will do for you.
I called DirecTV when my H20-600 because it was way too hot and it started rebooting itself. DirecTV sent me a H20-100 for $20 for shipping. It's worth giving them a call to see what they will do for you.

I've already done that, they sent me a reburished H20-600 that was worst than the first one, then when complainted they upgraded me to the HR20, need another unit, so now I'm trying to find the H20-100.
As far as I can tell, the only place to get these is directly from Directv. I called them about this a few months ago and they said they couldn't promise I would get a -100 if I ordered one. None of the electronics stores I have been in have them - they are always the -600s.
Thats what I was afraid of, I also have looked everywhere. I wonder if the newer H20-600 are any better than the earlier ones made.
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Anyone, Please Help

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