Which Dish Network package do you have? Are you happy with it? If you had to cut costs, what's the minimum you'd be willing to drop down to before you'd say "Screw it, I'll just rent DVDs or something and go without" (assuming you're off-contract)?
Side note: What's the minimum contract you can drop to while on contract without breaking the contract? Are you locked into what you initially signed up for, or can you switch around over the length of the contract and try out different service levels? Does your first year discount apply to any service level, or do you lose the discount if you switch?
Side note: What's the minimum contract you can drop to while on contract without breaking the contract? Are you locked into what you initially signed up for, or can you switch around over the length of the contract and try out different service levels? Does your first year discount apply to any service level, or do you lose the discount if you switch?