This question is like going to a Red Sox -vs - Yankess game at Yankee Stadium and asking all the fans in attendence which team is better. Of course the Yankees would win (yuck)
However same two teams but this time playing in Fenway Park and the answer would be the Red Sox.
I am very proud of our forum and proud of the fact that 98% of all posts here are Satellite Related, while the other site is seems like there are more posts in their potpourri forum lately.
I carefully monitor our site and other sites to judge what we are doing good, and what we need to improve.
Our DirecTV side of things needs improvement, and I am actually working on a deal now which should help things there.
But if you look at who has had the most news first about DirecTV, I think you will find we have done a better job then other forums. I have made some great contacts at DirecTV and they are starting to open up to us, and we have been getting tidbits of items before anyone else. I am happy with that, although I do want to see it improve more.
I am always looking for new features to add to the site to improve the service to you, I am also tweeking our server to give you the best perfomance possible. I am proud of the fact that we are now one of the fastest forums I know.
I also know that we can't talk Satellite all the time, which is why I am proud to offer the largest Arcade of any Satellite Forum.
And also at night besides dedicating my time to my family, after they are sleeping I am working hard behind the scenes on SatellitGuys Radio. (Some BIG changes coming there soon) SatelliteGuys Radio lets you enjoy some of the best music from the 70's to today!
I am very proud of the fact that SatelliteGuys works hard to bring you breaking news first. I know when I say "You can read it on SatelliteGuys first or you can read it somewhere else later" its not a dig at other sites its just the truth.
It pisses me off when I break some big news, and then some dopey admin at another site posts something to their site or front page, "It is being rumored" or "Reports are" but I guess thats part of doing this I guess.

And let me make it clear that is NOT only DBSTalk that I am talking about here, other sites do it as well. Since I use to run DBSTalk people think when I make comments about other sites that I am always talking about DBSTalk, because I am not.
In the past you may have seen me act like an ass defending my work, but hey in reality I built up two great sites, DBSTalk and SatelliteGuys. When I left DBSTalk I faught with them as I was defending what I built. Now that I have left there if you have been a long time member you have seen an obvious decline in quality. (well at least from where I sit) and now that I am the captain of my own ship, I still feel I must do what I must to defend it and help it grow.
Let me correct one thing I am NOT a Dish Network retailer, I do however program the store at DishStore.NET, it is because of DishStore.NET and the kind donations of our members that we are able to pay our bills.
Remember folks, none of us get paid for doing this. This is a hobby to all of us who work hard to bring you SatelliteGuys.US! If it was not for all of you guys and your suggestings and comments we would not be as big as we are today!
We thank everyone for their support of SatelliteGuys.