Wild Feeds ... Why?

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Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jul 19, 2006
Hi guys,

I had a this question and thought to ask the very knowledgable folks here. The otehr day I was scanning my Cband dish and came across a wild feed with a sporting event that was a treat coz I wud have to buy a channel to watch that event otherwise. I was wondering how come there are such wild feeds? Who broadcast them and in first place why they do it? Any thoughts?

Feeds are not meant for us, we are simply intercepting the signals that are on their way to the studio from the remote location!

Feeds are the BEST thing about FTA :) (IMO)
The real beauty of them is that they are pure non-compressed video, that's some of the best pq you're gonna see in SD.........and no commercials........you'll also sometimes be able to see things that you wouldn't normally see in a televised game.
When I saw the title of this thread, "Wild Feeds ... Why?" the first thing I thought was "Why not?" :)
If I find a place to put a larger dish, I'd love to get into the FTA hobby.

Does anyone have or know where to find video captures of some wild feeds? Might be fun for us DBS folks to see.
The real beauty of them is that they are pure non-compressed video, that's some of the best pq you're gonna see in SD.........and no commercials........you'll also sometimes be able to see things that you wouldn't normally see in a televised game.

That's the truth. You get the announcers real opnions of the teams they're anouncing for. (who they like & despise) Get to hear how big a hurry they are to leave a game (one game for the last 10 mins or so all we heard durring commercial breaks was "are the cars here yet, warmed up ready to get us to the airport!") and another time there was un upset and the banner went up at the end, holy __it!

It's fun!
This is really amazing. Now after couple of months after joining the CBand club, am proud of myself for this decision. Everytime when there is anytype of sport event I bling search and find out a wild feed ... Its amazing ... I'm lovin' it!
Wild feeds are the reason MANY of us get into the hobby, most likely the predominant one. It's just cool in itself and then the PQ is awesome, and no commercials. Plus, you can brag to your friends. But then they'll want a dish so you have to help them put there's up, haha. It's one of those things that isn't a "Why?" but a "Why not?"
Plus, you can brag to your friends.

The need to "Brag" has the potential to kill this hobby especailly bragging in open areas on the internet. That and posting screen shots, recordings, and feed locations on the interent could very well cause alot of the feeds we enjoy to go away or go encrypted. So, it's best to forget about ego and bragging and just sit back and enjoy the feeds.

This post is not meant to point the finger at anyone in particular but just a statement in general as to what I think could jeopardise the future of our hobby if we're not careful and don't use good judgement.
The need to "Brag" has the potential to kill this hobby especailly bragging in open areas on the internet. That and posting screen shots, recordings, and feed locations on the interent could very well cause alot of the feeds we enjoy to go away or go encrypted. So, it's best to forget about ego and bragging and just sit back and enjoy the feeds.

This post is not meant to point the finger at anyone in particular but just a statement in general as to what I think could jeopardise the future of our hobby if we're not careful and don't use good judgement.

I could not of said it any better myself. How true that is..
Well, I'll step in here and say, I don't agree 50%....
But, I will agree that, that's what most everyone is willing to put the blame on.


Everyone except me....
Well, I'll step in here and say, I don't agree 50%....
But, I will agree that, that's what most everyone is willing to put the blame on.


Everyone except me....

You should ask any WWE fan how they feel about that. Some complete moron "bragged" about watching the satellite feed on a major wrestling site. Within 2 weeks that feed was gone. This is not the only example either.
I hear and know what you're all saying, but I still disagree. And there is no way any of you can make me believe that, that is the "Only Reason" that something gets scrambled. I'm not going to change my mind or try to get you to change yours. I just absolutely Disagree. Enough said!

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Ext. Powered sat amp?

Anyone using the geosatpro 2.4 meter dish

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