World Series Game 4

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 13, 2004
Anyone else not getting the game in HD tonight? I have a 3 lnb dish. Looks like a Fox problem just wondering if it is Directv or Fox.
It looks to be a FOX problem. My local over-the-air FOX station doesn't have the game in HD either. Plus some of the FOX commercials which normally come in HD, are not tonight.
It might be a WNYW problem since it's the national FOX HD station which is on ch. 88. The station is located in NYC and I get their over-the-air signal as well. Like I mention in my post before, WNYW over-the-air HD signal ifor the game is not in HD tonight.
It wasn't in HD for a while but they got it fixed after the 2nd Inning I think it was.
Did anyone notice the green screen advertising behind home plate? Some adds were really enoying since you could see the distortion around the players when they were in front of the ad (green screen). I could tell it was a green screen since the adds were not there on different angels other then the behind the pitcher shot. Man, when will they stop trying to show ads in every concivable spot?
Did anyone notice the green screen advertising behind home plate? Some adds were really enoying since you could see the distortion around the players when they were in front of the ad (green screen). I could tell it was a green screen since the adds were not there on different angels other then the behind the pitcher shot. Man, when will they stop trying to show ads in every concivable spot?

I agree, either put something up there or get rid of it.
I'd rather get rid of it, can you imagine what it must cost to place an AD there ?
Hmmm, they must be charging to much, seeing it's been green off and on now, I 'll presume it's green because they don't have AD time sold.
Unless of course your selling a product called "GREEN " !!!

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