World Series Ratings Hit All-Time Low

Yeah I saw that. They were still good games even though I wasn't routing for the Cardinals.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from the last strike. When I was a kid, we played baseball each and every day during the summer. Today, the kids sit behind their game console and eat chips. There are kids in my neighborhood who have never suited up for gym, nor have they ever picked up a baseball bat. We are producing a generation of fat and lazy kids.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from the last strike. When I was a kid, we played baseball each and every day during the summer. Today, the kids sit behind their game console and eat chips. There are kids in my neighborhood who have never suited up for gym, nor have they ever picked up a baseball bat. We are producing a generation of fat and lazy kids.

I totally agree 1000%!! When we were kids, living in warm climate...we played baseball until you could not see the ball anymore. I read a story the other day where obesity is the #1 generator of high medical cost in this country...that is a scary stat! I guess that's what happens when we let the Big Macs and the Whoppers of this world take over! :rolleyes:

Back to the World Series was bad baseball with too many errors! I have seen better played little league games than this.

BCS is a joke again

Buckeyes On Espnu????

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