

New Member
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Apr 9, 2004
I have a question that I'm hoping someone here can help me with. I called Dish last night to add NY "Superstation" WPIX to my subscription. I was hoping/assuming that I'd be able to watch the NY Met baseball games that are broadcast on the weekends (since WGN & TBS are also called "Superstations").

Before adding PIX, I asked the CSR to verify that I'd be able to see the Met games. She (with supervisor's verification) came back and said that the Met games would be blacked out in my area (away from NYC).

Have any other removed Met fans tried to get WPIX just for the games? Same result...?

Any one have any idea why real Superstations like WGN & TBS can show their ballgames nationally & so-called fellow Superstation WPIX doesn't? Does it have anything to do with the station & team being owned by the same person/corp.?

Are NY Giant pre-season football games still broadcast on WPIX like they used to be? Are they blacked-out away from home as well?

If the Dish CSR was indeed correct about Met game blackouts, then my opinion of WPIX is ... it's not so "Super" a station...

Thanks for any help...
First of all WGN and WTBS are NOT superstations, They use the term but they are not. They own natioanl rights to what they show.

Second I used to watch baseball on WPIX I am not sure if it is balcked out now. Last year the Red Sox games on WSBK were.
On my 721, the 4/18 game does NOT have the blackout symbol on it. ( I do notice that the WSBK games ARE blacked out).

FWIW (I'm in Dallas/Ft. Worth Texas).
To date Mets games have not been blacked out, and I am not in their viewing area. Sox games are indeed now blacked out on WSBK if you are outside the Boston viewing area.
Good enough. Thanks for the help! Mr Moderator, please erase all traces of this post if possible...
The post will not led toa balckout. WSBK is blacked out becaue the RSN---NESN owns the rights outside of the Boston DMA>

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