Xbox Live parental controls


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Feb 24, 2005
The Sunshine State
We are getting a second Xbox 360 for the kids for xmas and I am wondering about controlling their access to Xbox Live. I have been looking at the family settings and see that you can restrict access based on ratings, etc. I am wondering about access to Microsoft points. More specifically, can I set them up with some points without them being able to purchase more without my permission. Can you disable the ability to purchase points or password protect it? Any ideas?
How do you plan on buying the points? I buy all of the M$ points for the family at a local B&M store. Pretty sure you need to have a CC on file, if you want to purchase online.
I have only bought them online thus far. I would think there would be a way to load points for the kids without giving your kids access to your credit card.
We are getting a second Xbox 360 for the kids for xmas and I am wondering about controlling their access to Xbox Live. I have been looking at the family settings and see that you can restrict access based on ratings, etc. I am wondering about access to Microsoft points. More specifically, can I set them up with some points without them being able to purchase more without my permission. Can you disable the ability to purchase points or password protect it? Any ideas?

I'm not sure if you can block purchasing MS points... You might want to ask on the official boards.

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