Zoints Community Profile

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Hardly Normal
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Apr 14, 2006
Normal, IL

Its not like you have ANYTHING else to be focused on these days but... :D

it would be really nice if the Zoints SatelliteGuys style could could updated to the darker blue color now in use on the site.

I say this for two reasons: 1) The current color in Zoints is Really faded; and just looks yucky (it doesn't come close to looking like the OLD SatGuys color scheme); and 2) Some of the fonts in the current SatGuys style are way too small. The menu where it lists Blog, Profile, etc... is really small and hard to read.

I will admit that I REALLY preferred having the SatGuys Blog over Zoints, but since it appears that the SatGuys Blog is gone... it would at least be nice if Zoints' SatGuys style looked closer to the crisp style of the new SatGuys.
I will take a look into it. :)

The old blog unfortunately was giving me database problems yesterday so I removed it completely.
Too bad about the old blog.

I played with the styles editor in Zoints and was able to create a custom style that I think is better, but I could not figure out how to get rid of the pale light blue stripe that goes in each box.

I set the style "Rockymtnhigh's SatGuys2" as shareable. For what it is worth. But I suspect you have more control as a "community" style over the formatting than I do as a non-paying member of Zoints.
There is no such thing as a paying member of Zoints. (At least I dont think so)

Instead it works on points. The more people you refer or read your work the more points you get.

They are working on a bunch of things to do with the points which will make it fun. :)
I think what I saw had to do with upgrading the photo album, which explains why I thought there was a premium membership.

I prefer my new Google Web Picaccasa for photos anyway. I need to fgure out how to customize the menu in Zoints so I can point it to external urls, but I suspect they do not want us to do stuff like that. :)
Oh, this thing is maddening. I got the blog to show up on the front page and look the way I wanted it to, then when I clicked on the direct link to the blog from my SatelliteGuys signature, it brought me to a full page version that had all the earlier, ugly stuff. And no apparent way to change it!

It might be just a wee bit easier for me to just create a new Blogger blog and link to that. But I am really just procrastinating right now... lots of un-fun work to do and no desire to do it! :D
I just updated the style to your style. :)

I am working on some things now there. lets see what I can do.

Zoints is VERY cool I do hope more forums join up as in the long run it makes things much easier for users to use these forums especially if they are a member of a handfull or more of forums. :D
Scott -- Nice changes to the Zoints template; I like seeing the links to the Satelliteguys stuff. I couldn't figure out how to change a menu beyond deleting a Zoints page or Adding a Zoints page.

Please share how you did that so others can start to enjoy what Zoints has.

Right now there are still just a handful of users linked to Zoints, from the Find Community Members link.
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Are user blogs dead/gone?

Pit Area Suggestion?

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