Hot PS3...


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Feb 13, 2006
Guys, got a question...

I've had my PS3 for about 3mos. now and I love it. But, I can only run it for about 15-20mins before the fan kicks on and it will stay on until I'm done using the system. Its not overly loud that would make me shut it off, but it is loud to the point where I find the desire to turn up my TV in order to drown it out. I've read reviews where people say it runs cool and quiet...I'm not sure if they are saying this in comparison to a loud/red hot XBOX360 (which I don't have), or if they are saying this because that's exactly what it means and I simply have a bad unit. Can someone help me on this one? FYI, my 60gig PS3 sits upright next to my LCD in my bedroom armour. While its not completely enclosed or anything, it is not out in the open sitting on the floor either. Should I look into possibly sending it in, or is the fan and noise typical as what I should be expecting, considering my setup and model.

Much thanks for any advice, suggestions, or experiences.
If you have it in a somewhat enclosed area, and it's getting heat from your TV, it sounds pretty normal for the fan to run on the low setting...
It's normal for your fan to run, but to run loud where it's actually a nuisance is not normal. You may want to contact Sony about it.
People generally tend to be more sensitive to fan noise in a bedroom setting where there isn't as much ambient noise. The PS3 fan noise compared to an external HDD I have, cable or sat box is relatively quiet, though definitely audible in a quieter setting. It may also be reverberating in/vibrating your armour, depending on the materials and construction. I would suggest setting the PS3 outside the armour to see how it sounds before assuming it's a bad unit and calling Sony.
People generally tend to be more sensitive to fan noise in a bedroom setting where there isn't as much ambient noise. The PS3 fan noise compared to an external HDD I have, cable or sat box is relatively quiet, though definitely audible in a quieter setting. It may also be reverberating in/vibrating your armour, depending on the materials and construction. I would suggest setting the PS3 outside the armour to see how it sounds before assuming it's a bad unit and calling Sony.
Ditto. I couldnt' hear the 60GB model, but when I place it in the bedroom it was way too loud (we live in a very quiet neighborhood). However, I later picked up a 40GB and it's whisper quiet...perfect for the bedroom.
Sorry guys, I had the wrong model number. Its actually the 80g. One of the last 80g SKU before they pulled them. Not sure if that means much or not. Either way, I'll pull it from the armour and see what happens.

Thanks for the responses.
I have the 80gig as well. I have mine standing up in an open bookshelf type cabinet that is open in the front. I have it placed all the way to the right so the rubber feet touch the right hand wall of the cabinet. Next to it to the left a few inches away is the Wii. When I'm not playing games or checking out the PS Store, it's folding. So it stays on pretty much all the time except for the occasional reboot that I do. The fan runs constantly. It ran the same way before I put it in the cabinet. It used to sit on top of the cabinet untill the wife moved some of her pictures out of the way of where it is now. Same thing. Fan ran constantly. I have had it since last November with no problems what so ever.
I have the 80gig as well. I have mine standing up in an open bookshelf type cabinet that is open in the front. I have it placed all the way to the right so the rubber feet touch the right hand wall of the cabinet. Next to it to the left a few inches away is the Wii. When I'm not playing games or checking out the PS Store, it's folding. So it stays on pretty much all the time except for the occasional reboot that I do. The fan runs constantly. It ran the same way before I put it in the cabinet. It used to sit on top of the cabinet untill the wife moved some of her pictures out of the way of where it is now. Same thing. Fan ran constantly. I have had it since last November with no problems what so ever.

Sounds like you have almost the same setup I do (minus the Wii) lucky dog! Well...I guess its just what I should be expecting from now on. BTW, what is "folding"?
Sounds like you have almost the same setup I do (minus the Wii) lucky dog! Well...I guess its just what I should be expecting from now on. BTW, what is "folding"?

Go check out the thread in the SatelliteGuys Operations Center forum for "Folding At Home". It will be better explained there than by me. It would be great if you joined our team.

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