Uh oh, let the arguing begin! According to Fox Sports: Top 10 WORST Sports franchises

The Lions are, in my opinion, in the top to or three of the sh*t list. For more than 40 years under ownership of the William Clay Ford family, they have certainly been the lamest team in the NFL. It's hard to believe this was once a championship level team...back in the 50's and before the Superbowl.

I turn 45 this year and I may not live to see the Lions play in a Superbowl...and longevity runs in my family.
The Lions are, in my opinion, in the top to or three of the sh*t list. For more than 40 years under ownership of the William Clay Ford family, they have certainly been the lamest team in the NFL. It's hard to believe this was once a championship level team...back in the 50's and before the Superbowl.

I turn 45 this year and I may not live to see the Lions play in a Superbowl...and longevity runs in my family.

My oldest son is 22 next week, and I told him he may not see a Lions Championship in HIS lifetime. LMAO!
I'm surprised to see the Twins on there, as they at least have a World Series title to their name....
The Lions are, in my opinion, in the top to or three of the sh*t list. For more than 40 years under ownership of the William Clay Ford family, they have certainly been the lamest team in the NFL. It's hard to believe this was once a championship level team...back in the 50's and before the Superbowl.

I turn 45 this year and I may not live to see the Lions play in a Superbowl...and longevity runs in my family.

My oldest son is 22 next week, and I told him he may not see a Lions Championship in HIS lifetime. LMAO!

I agree,
riffjim, I am right there with you and don't remember when the last time I actually thought that they had a GOOD team, let alone a playoff team, and to think , it doesn't take a whole lot to make the playoffs.
Also, if you lok at the teams that make the playoffs, you'll find every year a few teams that make it, REALLY don't have a chance in the playoffs, as in being there, but knowing you won't win the first game.

I agree the twins should not be on that list, two world series within the last 21 years and always a contender for the playoffs, alot more than wht most teams can say in that span
I don't think the Rays should be on there. They should have the Rangers on there before them.
How about ranking them worst per sport:

Baseball - Pirates (Reds could argue)

Football - Lions (Up until a year or two ago the Saints could have had a strong claim)

Hockey - ? (Gotta be somebody worse than the Bruins)

Basketball - Atlanta Hawks
As much as I really hate saying this, I think the Rangers should have been on that list.

Why would you build a freakin hitters ballpark when the summers can get up to 110 degrees??

Because of the design of the ballbark, there's a natural jetstream that goes from home plate to the outfield wall, making it much easier to hit a homerun. We can't sign free agent pitching because no one wants to pitch there....
This can be argued for the next year or two, but either way you look at it...it will piss alot of people of. Here we go!

Every fan wants to cheer for a team that has the championship history of the New England Patriots, New York Yankees or Detroit Red Wings. Unfortunately, many get stuck with a long string of bad luck, like the Chicago Cubs; thrifty ownership, like the now-defunct Montreal Expos; or a dim-witted front office that is unable to make logical personnel decisions, like the current New York Knicks.

Here is a list of the top 10 worst sports franchises currently in operation.

1. Pittsburgh Pirates
Never mind championships, pennants or division titles, the Pittsburgh Pirates haven't even had a winning season in 15 years. One more losing season and the Pirates will tie the record for most consecutive losing seasons among the four major sports. They continually field one of the youngest and most inexperienced rosters in the league and are always rebuilding. The black and yellow team colors fit their plan of constantly being under construction.

Puzzling personnel plays: Signing Derek Bell, Jeromy Burnitz and Tony Armas, Jr.; and trading Aramis Ramirez.

Remember ... 1997: The closest the Pirates have come to 82 wins (otherwise known as a winning season) in the last 15 years was in 1997. They were expected to push 90 to 100 losses, but ended up as one of the league's irrelevant surprises when they finished with 79 wins. The entire team salary was $9 million, which was less than what Albert Belle made that season.

FOX Sports on MSN - MLB -

We're #1, We're #1....woohoo.:D
NFL teams should be graded harder because none really have any excuses, due to the revenue sharing system.
How about ranking them worst per sport:

Baseball - Pirates (Reds could argue)

Football - Lions (Up until a year or two ago the Saints could have had a strong claim)

Hockey - ? (Gotta be somebody worse than the Bruins)

Basketball - Atlanta Hawks

Baseball - Your Reds argument doesn't doesn't hold water, they have won and been good, they won it all in '90, and were perenial playoff teams in the 70's and some 80's....
Unless your placing a time frame on it, they cannot be there.

Football - Lions Rebuilding since '57, enough said

Hockey - Bruins - See Reds above.

The Reds have won the 3rd most World Series if memory serves, so they can't be on there.

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