Vick Attended Dogfight!

This "is" criminal court .....

Only applies in criminal court. In civil court, it's proponderance of the evidence. In the court of the real world, neither apply much. If the NFL and/or the Falcons wanted to get rid of them, they probably already have enough to ditch him just on conduct unbecoming to the league or team. Many of Vicks sponsors have already either left, didn't renew, or suspended existing promotions until the dust settles.

My personal feelings is that Vick should take a voluntary unpaid leave of absence. With the case being heard on the Rocket Docket, I'd expect things to be done by the end of this upcoming season. There is no way Vick can help his defense as well as his team and the case will be a major distraction for both him and his teammates, even more so if he is trying to play at the same time. If he is acquitted, charges dropped, or a Duke Lacrosse type situation occurs, a leave of absence leaves the door open for his return. If he's convicted, then it can turn into a suspension and/or ban.
The wacky part to me is that some will say well Koby raped a girl and got off; OJ killed his ex-wife and got off; and Ray lewis capped a guy and got off. What's the difference here. The difference here the girl had a shaky past (which can be understood), Nicole & OJ had a long history of domestic violence escalation (which although wrong still can be understood), and the dude ray capped ran in tough circles (which can be understood). All parties have a sort of culpability on some level on both sides that can be understood. The logic is that is you're a professional athlete you can get off. The problem with that is that child molestation has no such caveat (because it's completely sick) and can't be understood. Animal cruelty is in the same class. Vick is screwed completely.

Not JUST because you are a professional athlete as much as rich. Yeah once in a blue moon they do a little time...but that is ONLY when the media leans hard on some of these decisions and there is public pressue to do SOMETHING.

So let's be honest here, IF you have the MEANS for the best lawyers available...I HONESTLY think your chances of getting away/getting off with a slap on the hand..... is more than 50%.

In regards to Vick....this up coming season could be the last time you see him in a NFL uniform REGARDLESS of the outcome in court.....I honestly do believe that.
What I hate is the best thing for everyone is to sit. But as we have seen from Vick, he and his family have some issues with judgment. I just hope he makes this easy since I want to watch football and not talk about this JUNK that has nothing to do with the game I love and want to watch. It was driving me crazy on Saturday on Fox with the Barry Bonds watch. Just hit the damn home runs and get off my TV set. I really hope I dont have to hear this constant crap about Vick all season long during my games!!!!
Lee Corso just defended him on ESPN. "he's a great guy just mixed up with the wrong crowd". How sick are you of this Bullsh!t excuse? I think I am going to puke. That excuse is ok if he were a 16 year old :rolleyes:
Lee Corso just defended him on ESPN. "he's a great guy just mixed up with the wrong crowd". How sick are you of this Bullsh!t excuse? I think I am going to puke. That excuse is ok if he were a 16 year old :rolleyes:

Again, let's wait until ALL the proof is sure a hell would given one of your republican buddies the benefit of the doubt if this involved a conservative I have stated I think he is guilty...? Hell yeah....but I have to see just how credibile some of these so-called witness are and see the proof.....
Again, let's wait until ALL the proof is sure a hell would given one of your republican buddies the benefit of the doubt if this involved a conservative I have stated I think he is guilty...? Hell yeah....but I have to see just how credibile some of these so-called witness are and see the proof.....

I agree. I personally think he looks guilty with all the stuff I have heard so far, but we shall see.
You are right on that one.

But the sad fact is these days the more money you have the more justice you can buy.

Look OJ was able to buy his freedom.

Look...let's get a few things straight about the OJ trail....his lawyers did NOT win it for him....the DA and the LAPD screwed up a slam dunk victory so bad....they are still smarting.....and a retarded jury didn't help the DA either....
Look...let's get a few things straight about the OJ trail....his lawyers did NOT win it for him....the DA and the LAPD screwed up a slam dunk victory so bad....they are still smarting.....and a retarded jury didn't help the DA either....

You are right about the DA and LAPD about screwing the pooch.

BUT if OJ had a Public Defender he would be in jail right now.

And that's a fact.
The point I was trying to make is the more money you have = more and better lawyers for your defense = better chance of getting off.

Oh...and I agree 1000%! But what I was trying to say that by all means, money does not assures you instant freedom....just sweetens the ODDS of getting off the hook. Because you know full well that if YOU or I were in the middle of this Michael Vick mess.....YOU or I would have to fending prisoners off of the "fresh meat"....:mad:

DAMN!!!! Texas scores 30 runs on the Orioles!!!!

Help Me Please For The Love Of Football!!!

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