It's around 10 years old. So it probably has another 6-10 years of life .Does anyone know if there is any future plans for 118.7? Like maybe moving the International channels to another satellite.
ThanksIt's around 10 years old. So it probably has another 6-10 years of life .
Does anyone know if there is any future plans for 118.7? Like maybe moving the International channels to another satellite.
But then you would have to move them to WA as well. Thats a lot of transponder space.Yeah, like moving them to EA!
But then you would have to move them to WA as well. Thats a lot of transponder space.
True; I meant just moving the channels, not moving the satellite. What's 77 being used for? I still have the 1000.4 EA dish.
Do you know when end of DISH leasing?Considering how dishworld has a lot of foreign Services now, I would think that instead of investing in another satellite and spending more money for leasing a slot, dish will simply move all the Internationals to the dish World Service where people can stream the channels. they can also enhance the dishworld service for a DVR like they do sling TV today perhaps. and as Charlie said in one past quarterly earnings call, "If I were building Dish Network today, I would not be investing in satellites."
It just makes so much sense to provide the Internationals exclusively to the streaming service. The cost savings would be tremendous, and that particular audience demographic isn't expecting picture in picture and Hopper 3 sort of magic. IMHO, in the long run, near the end of life of Anik3 at 118.7 dish Internationals are going to Dish World. Also, I think the Canadian government mandate that 118.7 must return to use for Canadian services and Canadian people at Anik3 the end of life or end of Dish leasing.
Thanks. I wonder when 118.7 became operational! I started out with it when I joined DISH in September 2007.I believe it was based on the full 15-year life of the satellite.
Thanks, good as Nelson 61 said anak F3 is 10 years old. So at the very least five years however these satellites can sometimes last a few years beyond its expected end of life. it all depends on how the satellite was configured such as power consumed, sufficient fuel necessary for the the most recent mandate that satellites must be put much further out from orbit in their graveyard, and a fair degree of luck that all the parts keep on working past the end of life expectancy or of course it could die before expected end of life. who knows? they keep their fingers crossed.
I think and I stress I think the Canadian mandate might be a whichever comes first be it Anik3 end of life or dishes end of lease. However this isn't to say that the Canadian government might agree to a very short extension or what have you for good cause, but at some point , near that Day of Reckoning, the Canadian government wants that slot back for the use of Canadian services or for the Canadian people as per written agreement.
Give it another 5 years, nearly everyone will be getting on the bandwagon to stream.
What do you mean by "nearly everyone"? How many Americans currently lack the bandwidth to stream? And what will get that to them affordably within 5 years?
you have to you have to factor in the how Canadian politicians have something of a hatred of the United States. it's pretty shocking. They didn't even cooperate with us and trying to keep out known terrorists when coming through Canada into our country, and Canadian politicians seem to have an attitude like the United States isn't going to tell them nothing. this is what the Canadian politicians imposed not necessarily the Canadian people. to the Canadian politicians it's a moral cause, a crusade. It just burns them that their Canadian slot that's supposed to be for Canadian programming etcetera is being used by the USA. of course the lease to dish was good for Canadian business, so the government had to go along, but only with the stipulation of getting the slot back to Canada what is Canada's. this is the rant like attitude of the Canadian politicians not necessarily the Canadian people. to summarize the Canadian politicians just don't like the USA nor the people of the USA, and they think the US contaminates Canadian culture. this doesn't necessarily reflect the view of the Canadian people.I really don’t think Canada is chomping at the bit to get that satellite capability back. They don’t seem to be short.