4X8 Multiswitch?

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Oct 14, 2006
I need a 4X8 multiswitch for my apt. If anyone knows a good name and a trusted site to buy one, please let me know.
Also, I see that there are some 4x8 multiswitches that have a DC power supply. What is this for and do I need one with power?
most 4*8's need power to operate.....6*8's do not if you need a 6*8 i can send you one for 45 plus shipping...pm

its a brand new wb68 or if you want a 4*8 $30 plus shipping
6x8 multiswitch

so it doesn't really matter how big i go with a multiswitch? i have a 3 lnb dish with 4 outputs and have 5 receivers. will the 6x8 work? and what are those other inputs on the 6x8?
Yes the 6*8 will work it will be good in the future if you get the AT9 dish....for 99 and 103.

again 45+ plus shipping for a WB68
Please reply by conversation.

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