811 Future Software Updates according to Dish


Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 25, 2003
Called in during Charlie Chat last night to ask questions about 811 during Poker Polka. Got some tech guy who seemed a little smarter than normal tech line.

Question 1 - What is up with the supply issues and delays with 811 installs.

Tech Answer - There are no supply issues.

MY reply - I know of a lot of guys whose installs are delayed, including mine.

Tech answer - No supply issues for 811.

Question 2 - When are new software downloads coming for 811 to fix bugs.

Tech Answer - Don't know of any problems with 811

My reply- What about aspect modes, darkness issue, left channel only on analog. Also I just noticed that the "adjust" feature in the HDTV setup in non functional, worked on 6000.

Tech answer - What "adjust feature",

My reply - (I Describe feature again with more detail).

Tech answer - Hold please ......

3-5 minutes Tech comes back.. you are correct that feature is not working, should be fixed soon.

My reply - what about software revisions.

Tech answer- Next revison is P2.62.., then P2.63

My replay - DUH !!

Tech answer - OK, P2.62 will fix Left channel analog issue.

My replay - What about aspect modes??

Tech reply - That will be fixed on P2.63 VERSION !!

My reply - WHEN will this be ready.

Tech reply - DON'T KNOW !

My reply- HURRY, there are a lot of guys upset with these issues.

Tech reply - OK.


Sweeeet! HBO-HD and Showtime HD to move to 110

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