811 seculation


Original poster
Jan 12, 2004
811 speculation

Why does the 811 come with a remote that allows for DVR features? Do you think dish may one day have an external hard drive to include DVR functionality? :smug
I had heard a radio announcement (only caught the tail end of it) on my XM that talked about a small external hard drive with DVR features. It was advertising the idea of taking your recorded movies with you and the ability to turn any tv into a DVR. Could this be true, or did I not understnd this commercial?
tiptowner said:
I had heard a radio announcement (only caught the tail end of it) on my XM that talked about a small external hard drive with DVR features. It was advertising the idea of taking your recorded movies with you and the ability to turn any tv into a DVR. Could this be true, or did I not understnd this commercial?

Could it be something like this???

You can still use the dvr function buttons for a vcr. I do for all my vcrs except the skip back and skip forward buttons. Much better than the blue buttons for vcr functions.
tiptowner said:
I had heard a radio announcement (only caught the tail end of it) on my XM that talked about a small external hard drive with DVR features. It was advertising the idea of taking your recorded movies with you and the ability to turn any tv into a DVR. Could this be true, or did I not understnd this commercial?

I thought satellite radio was supposed to be commercial free. I was thinking about going with satellite radio, but if I still have to listen to commercials after paying a monthly fee for the privelage of listening, then I guess I'd be better off not getting it.

Stacy A:

I thought the same as you, but I got a rave review from a trusted friend and decided to give it a try. Since I got it, I hardly ever listen to anything else. ;)

My 921 died today!!

"Dish" button aggravation

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