A beg to Dish Network to add Al-Jazeera International


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Apr 12, 2006
Now, as you may know, I am not an advocate for Dish Network, to add more HD, but at least, I hope Dish Network would at least, try to consider adding Al-Jazeera International, because Dish Network already has Al-Jazeera.

I don't really like to use a FTA system to get Al-Jazeera International, so I hope Dish Network hopefully, might consider an A-la-Carte way, or put it in the Arabic Elite Super Pack.

I don't think Al-Jazeera Interational would be a waste of bandwidth, so I hope Dish Network will consider adding Al-Jazeera Interational, in the future.
I can't argue that, but I think a lot of us need to quit thinking that just because they are an Arab news station, they are up to no good or terrorists. They will have a slant we may not like because they are more sympathetic towards their OWN civilians being killed by poor decisions in the war than our men and women. I'll stop before opening that can of worms, but I just think that it's one thing to refuse paying for it. It's another to boycott Dish entirely because they want to carry an English-language Arab news service that has NOTHING directly or really indirectly to do with people's reasoning for the boycott.
i find lifetime channel to be more dangerous and a threat. teaches women to kill their husbands in their sleep and just tell the court that the husband beat them so they get let off.
does anyone even know if al jezeera int has shown a beheading? i personally have never watched any of the channels in the arabic package, so i do not no what they show. not every person of arabic descent is about al-queda and behaeading people. just like every christian is not about blowing up planned parent hoods or protesting soldiers funerals.
Are we talking about Al Jazeera English?

If we are, then obviously most of the people responding here are clueless and just think that AJE is the same as Al Jazeera because of something they were told or assumed.


AJE is an English station that has hubs in the middle east, in the US and around the world. They are pretty much the opposite of AJ. They do not show beheadings. They don't have some Bin Laden tape. They don't have things like that.

They are just another news outlet. Just like CNN and Fox News

I have seen a few news channels from around the world in English (Press TV from Iran, CCTV9 from China, AJE, Russia Today) and they all give a different perspective on the world. Much better than CNN & Fox in my mind. In fact, AJE & Russia Today I watch all the time. Like I say it gives a different perspective of the world.

its funny because I just posted today in the FTA section a little gag of what makes a FTA person different than a DBS sub. Numer 12 was this
When Al Jazeera English was coming soon, DBS subs said "we dont want that crap on our system". FTA'ers say "sweet...new channel"

and oh god its so true.

to the OP...get a free to air system. They have more news channels from around the world then Dish or Direct will ever have :)
When was last time that Fox, a Christian channel or any U.S. channel showed a beheading?????
Maybe if they did, the American people would wake up and see what's going on in the world.

Edit: I posted this reply before I saw what Iceberg said, if indeed we're talking about AJE, I've not seen any beheadings there.
I think we are as there are 2 main Al Jazeera channels
The original and the English one (which I guess can be called Int'l)

edit: yep same channel
from the wiki for AJE
"The channel was due to be called Al Jazeera International, but the name was changed one day prior to launch"
Inform yourselves....

Without going into details.....I work in the television industry and monitor many international channels......I have never seen a beheading on Al jazeera either version, Arab or English, and yes, they are the same company. There are many respectable international news outlets that show the reality of things and not, I am not talking about any of the water-down or tabloid US outlets, they all simply suck. Now if you want to see some F*&CKed up stuff watch stations like Al Manar and others, and then you will realize that Al Jazeera, Press TV and others are mild.....:D
All I can say is we as a nation are packed with spoiled whinners like many other countries, the difference maybe in some other countries people had nothing to spoil them yet.

But that is not the most dangerous thing, the most dangerous thing is most of us don't know what is like to have nothing to be spoiled by. And we may one day wake up be surprised. At least most of us think we are down that path anyway.
Al Jazeera's no worse than Fixed, er, Fox News.

Are you serious? I don't get Fox News (since it's not in AT100) but if you think that all the other American news networks (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, etc) are not "fixed" then you aren't paying close enough attention and you've played right into their hands. Even Saturday Night Live (on NBC!) is making jokes about the mainstream media's blatant Obama/left-wing bias. I guess a truly neutral news network would look "fixed" if you're used to watching all the other American networks. Again, I can't say how biased or unbiased Fox News is, but I doubt it's any worse than its competitors.
Now, as you may know, I am not an advocate for Dish Network, to add more HD, but at least, I hope Dish Network would at least, try to consider adding Al-Jazeera International, because Dish Network already has Al-Jazeera.

I don't really like to use a FTA system to get Al-Jazeera International, so I hope Dish Network hopefully, might consider an A-la-Carte way, or put it in the Arabic Elite Super Pack.

I don't think Al-Jazeera Interational would be a waste of bandwidth, so I hope Dish Network will consider adding Al-Jazeera Interational, in the future.

How many comedy channels does Dish really need?
This is a great thread!!! It exhibits the blinders-on attitude and idiocy that is turning our wonderful country into the laughingstock of the world, and worse into a nation of sheep!!

Really how many "news" outlets do we need telling us black guys can't bowl.

625 DVR , How MAny hours of Storage

2 HDMI cables connected to make one???

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