AMC14 The Rescue mission: Lunar Burn may be a reality.

Yep, this idiot has me kinda torqued. Need to vent a little before I can let it go. Mdwatt, that is, not you Schaffer. It seems like my profession is being attacked more often these days for actually trying to know the facts before spouting some ignorant opinion, and stating that engineers have no sense of social responsibility.

Mdwatt doesn't give a thought to technology when he uses it. Next year when he gets on a 787, he ought to be glad that I have an organized mind and pay attention to details. Instead, he will be complaining that it took too long to serve his coke, and telling his buddies that engineers are clueless geeks.

Over the years, I have been involved with a fair amount. I have been a member of committees trying to get a handle on preventing and responding to nuclear terrorist attacks. I have been a community advisor to the local school board on budget, district boundries, and new high school planning. I have worked with the county on road issues, including planning for future volume. I have volunteered at the local woman's shelter, mostly doing the construction projects. I have organized too many motorsport competitions to count. I am an assistant scoutmaster. I have been a coach, school co-ordinator and/or district problem captain for Odyssey of the Mind for the last ten years. I have worked political campaigns at many different levels. I have organized a successful boycott. As a Ham, I have provided communications during many civic events and during two major emergencies. Mdwatt, what's in YOUR wallet?
well i must weigh in on this,remark by this engineer, just go to hollyarcazonasouthameraland and back and you will feel much better:up
How do the SIRIUS satellites provide video without being ina geosync orbit?(back seat SIRIUS video availble in chrysler minivans) I do believe they are in a HEO orbit doing a figure 8 across North America

Just a bit of technical info I remember from an IEEE Spectrum article a year or so ago:

Sirius and XM both transmit each channel on multiple frequencies, from multiple satellites. The receiver automatically selects the strongest frequency for the channel you are listening to.

In urban areas where you are likely to lose line-of-sight to the satellites, they use terrestrial repeaters to duplicate the channels on yet more frequencies. A 4-second buffer keeps the radio playing while you pass through momentary shadows (such as under bridges on the freeway).

The Sirius video channels are not satellite TV in the same way D* and E* are. The video signal is specially encoded and transmitted using the bandwidth of multiple audio channels. This way, Sirius can use the same infrastructure as the audio channels, and only a special receiver is necessary to reconstruct the video signal. The disadvantage is that one video channel is equivalent to many audio channels, and there is only so much bandwidth available (which is one reason there are only 3 video channels available so far).

It's worth noting that the bandwidth of even a SD video channel is much, much larger than a audio satellite radio channel.

What does getting banned from some website have to do with recovery of a satellite that came up short of its destination?

That's true but we needed a break from all the speculation. BTW the last time I was heavily edited was when I was tell someone how ID 10 T he was when that person whined that the mod should step in to cool it off. The comments last long enuff for several to chime in and tell him that he was an idiot. Then next day JL deleted about half the thread and sent me a PM that I shouldn't tell ppl how much of an idiot they are even if the guy had no provable points.
Hang on a sec here fellas!

I'm totally offended by Mdwatt post and asked Mods to ban him !

Jeez guys! You took me WAY too literally. You must have missed the first part of that post where I said "In my own personal experiences..." And that's exactly the case. In my lifetime I've worked side by side with 2 engineers, and they both worked at the same factory I did. They designed and engineered HEPA filters for specific applications. I was the operator of the machine that took the paper and ran it thru the machine and pleated it with the correct dimensions to create the filter. I was given a floppy disk and told to load it into the computer and have it make this certain part. They gave me an engineering sample of what the part should look like. I did as they said and loaded the values off of the disk into the computer and started to run the product. Suffice it to say that it didn't look anything close to what it was supposed to be. So, I played with the numbers in the computer until several minutes later I had it coming out like it was supposed to be. Well these engineers came back later to check on my progress and were completely floored when I told them that the numbers that they had given me were all wrong and I had to redo most of them. They started to ask me a hundred questions about why this and that, and how did I know what to do to make the product come out right, and how did I know what values to enter. All I did was take my knowledge of how the machine works and apply it to correct the errors that were present. It's called common sense - being able to take a square peg and figure out how to fit it into that impossible looking round hole. (In my previous post I made no mention of anything relating to "social respobsibility") They couldn't understand it. They hounded me about that for DAYS afterward. Based on that experience, I made that statement about engineers not having common sense. It was not my intent to direct that towards ALL engineers or all situations. I have neither the right, nor the authority, nor the higher education to be able to do so. That being said, I apologize to those that I have offended, specifically Smith P., Jayn_j, and Andrewwski. I respect your education and your commitment to your careers as well as your communities. It's a feat that I, most likely, will never achieve. And no, I'm not back-peddling, I'm clarifying and apologizing. I stand by my assertion that there are engineers who lack common sense, just the same as there are folks who lack common sense in many other fields, and all over the world in the general population. We all encounter "idiots" (in my opinion, an idiot is a person lacking problem solving skills and common sense relating not just to their job, but to every-day life) every day, all over the world. And as for the "stoopid" thing...I know how to spell stupid. It was meant to be humerous. That's the problem with reading text on a screen, there's no voice inflection or showing of emotion to be able to infer a meaning.

And yes, let's keep this thread on topic. GO AMC-14! If any engineers want to continue this discussion, feel free to PM me and we'll chat. I'm not out to get anyone, I promise! :eek: No hard feelings.
There is bad news - Kommersant March, 18:
"The AMC-14 orbit altitude was insufficient for transferring the satellite to the working orbit by using its own engines, representatives of SES AmeriCom that owns AMC-14 announced yesterday. The satellite is deemed lost and insurers will cover manufacturing and launching expenses of $200 million.'
There is bad news - Kommersant March, 18:
"The AMC-14 orbit altitude was insufficient for transferring the satellite to the working orbit by using its own engines, representatives of SES AmeriCom that owns AMC-14 announced yesterday. The satellite is deemed lost and insurers will cover manufacturing and launching expenses of $200 million.'

Go to the pub. This started there yesterday. Don't believe everything you read.:)
Yea we have been talking about this in the pub.... the artical is completly bogus and has been chalked up to bad translation. There were statements in the artical that said that SES Americom published when they didnt. From what I'm hearing its not if they can get it into orbit, but how they can with the loss of as little fuel as possible.
Oncea again, the sources are wrong. As I have posted in the three other threads you have posted in and I have asked you to show me where the article is correct. I recon you wont do so as there are none! IF you feel so confident that the article is correct lets make a wager!
mdwatt, thanks for the clarification. I agree there are lots of engineers that lack common sense. Fortunately or unfortunately sometimes it takes more that common sense to engineer things - the fact that you have to slow down to catch up with something in orbit still makes my head hurt. :D
Oncea again, the sources are wrong. As I have posted in the three other threads you have posted in and I have asked you to show me where the article is correct. I recon you wont do so as there are none! IF you feel so confident that the article is correct lets make a wager!

Plus, didn't Charlie make a special point to say the Sat. was going to be moved into orbit?

New Dish Channel coming soon

118.7/61.5/129 etc