Geronimo- I don't know what to think about this iphone at Verizon deal. Every time I hear something about Verizon getting the iphone I read another report about negotiations going bad. Primarily, because Apple wants lots of control and Verizon wants the same control and neither can get their heads together on who controls the phone. Most of us Verizon owners know they love to be in control of the phone branding and content, including their special version of the OS. When did Apple ever submit to that with AT&T?
AS for the stock- yes, in this market stocks jump up and down based on the latest analyst reports that predict future events, then when the event is actually confirmed, the change is not as significant. Today's fall off of a few $ is likely due to more analysts downgrading the outlook for the stock, now down to $220- $226. I recall not too many weeks ago the outlook was at $260. Frankly, I am concerned we have way too many analysts making predictions that are not based on the business fundamentals but on their own collection of outside influences. The tablet has now had it's run on that piece of news. For anything to influence further will have to be something different, like announcing a new improvement to the ipod or iphone. BTW- there was another announcement along with the tablet that Apple was raising it's download pricing by 29% per song. While margins will increase, volume will decrease. Time will tell on that one.