Bye Dish 500, hello SuperDish: Cabling/switch questions


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 26, 2003
I currently have a Dish 500 (110 and 119) birds with twin LNB (or is is a dual?) going to two separate legacy receivers (DP 7200 and 5000).

When the 522 comes out I am going to do the locals deal (105,110 and 119) and get a free Superdish and completely bypass the Dish 500 antenna. I'm also getting rid of the two old legacy receivers.

So my questions:

1) I'll need two cables from the 522 out to the SuperDish, right?

2) What kind of switches will the installer have out at the SuperDish?

You will only need one cable from the SuperDish to the 522 once they come out with the DP+ diplexer in which it will split the signal out at the receiver from the one wire to the two tuners at the 522. Until then you will need the two cables running from the dish. Each SuperDish will come with four outputs which will allow you to hook up four receivers (or four tuners) to the dish.
The DishPro Plus switches are not due out to at least early spring if not longer. So you will need two cable running to your 522 if you get a SuperDish when they come out. :)
Its good to have an extra cable. You never know when you might want another receiver in the house, or if a cable goes bad you have backup. Its going to be cheaper to run another wire than to buy that diplexer that splits the signal at the receiver and the two wire run should be included in basic installation as far as I know.
Won't there be a DP 34 switch between the Superdish and the receiver? (Three cables into switch from each LNB and two cables out to the 522)
Yes, that will come with the SuperDish but it will be three cables into the switch (from the three orbital slots) where it will have four outputs for four receivers. In the case of a 522 you will have to use two cables (one per tuner) until the DP diplexer comes out next year in which will allow you to split the one cable into two at the receiver for each tuner.
Thanks all for the replies... I will plan on two cables from the dish/switch back towards my 522.

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