C-Band Dish polarity wiring

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 25, 2010
New England
I managed to temporarily setup my 10 foot Winegard Dish and the Chaparral Feedhorn on it has a few small wires coming out of the feedhorn. Can I use telephone wire to hook this up? What do I hook it up to? Should I try to hook it up to my Pansat 3500SD? The dish is Fixed for now. I would just like to be able to possibly switch polarity and maybe skew?
Should be a black, red and white wire coming from the "blue box" on the back of the feed. red is hooked to +5 v, black to ground, and white to "pulse" Telephone wire will work just fine. The Pansat 3500 will run it just fine. Just select polarity and adjust skew in the setup. Set the servo's position, in relation to the dish. This is normally around the 11 o'clock position when at zenith. Rotate as necessary (Skew it) if away from zenith so the servo doesn't hit the ends of it's rotation when in use.( I've seen some jam )
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