Christmas Gift for Father need help!

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New Member
Original poster
Sep 7, 2009
Fall River, MA
Hi Guys,

My father has had a C-Band BUD for quite some time now. He currently has a Motorola dsr922 receiver along with a PANSAT 300A. I never really got into learning about the hardware associated with the system, but he has dropped a few hints about getting an MPEG-4 receiver (link below).

Would his current setup be enough to add on the MPEG-4 receiver or is there anything else that he may need? With the new receiver, is the PANSAT no longer required?

Also, to clarify my understanding of whats going on, does the output of the DSR922 feed into the input of the MPEG-4 receiver?

Thanks in advance!

Would his current setup be enough to add on the MPEG-4 receiver or is there anything else that he may need?
nope. Just replace the 300 with the new receiver
With the new receiver, is the PANSAT no longer required?
pretty much

Also, to clarify my understanding of whats going on, does the output of the DSR922 feed into the input of the MPEG-4 receiver?
How is it hooked up now? Normally there is a splitter in the line that goes to both receivers
iceberg. do the recorded files transfer easily to a pc and be viewed by windows media player? and then be recorded on a dvd for archive or veiwing with a dvd player? is the new geopro capable of this? thanks, charlie
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C band prime focus question


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