Comet TV

Getting 16x9 commercials but programming that is 16x9 is actually picture framed in the 4x3 area on KTUL 8.2 in Tulsa
Just can't understand why it's so difficult for broadcasters to get the formatting correct for 16:9 SD if that's the format the broadcaster chooses ....

If the scan is 16:9 and the active format is somewhere below this at usually 4:3, you use pillar-box with matte bars on the sides. If the scan and the active format are both 16:9, then the image is shown full screen. If the active format is greater than 16:9 like say a 2.37:1 aspect ratio presentation, you letter-box with matte bars on the top and bottom.

What's with all these wierd formatting combinations of a 16:9 active format anamorphically squeezed into a 4:3 scan. Or as in your case, a 16:9 active format letter-boxed into 4:3 which is in turn pillar-boxed into a 16:9 scan?

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Does Charter carry any subchannels? I don't think Lincoln City gets any.
in northern MN (Minneapolis DMA) Charter carries all the subs from Minneapolis stations except Buzzr formerly Bounce and also they dont carry FNX (First Nations Experience). Its a sub on the local PBS (but they do carry the other four subs)
well you'd hate Minneapolis then. Most of the subs are in 16:9 widescreen (Me, This, Antenna, H&I, Justice) so you get black bars most of the time (commercials are in 16:9)

As it should be! With the exception of MeTV, all my subs are 16:9 SD. Most of the content is 16:9 so there are no bars but I have seen traditionally 4:3 channels (Antenna TV in NC for example) broadcast 16:9 and it looks great. I will NEVER understand how people can watch a distorted image. Can't they tell everyone is fat???
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They carry about 10 local subchannels in my neck of the woods, including Comet as of a few days ago.
I was thinking primarily of Astoria where mwdxer lives. He's all about subchannels and other things he doesn't have access to (largely because of the Oregon Coast Range).

In Oregon, most of the Charter service areas are not very active in seeking out new channels and services. Most were purchased from small community cable systems.
I was thinking primarily of Astoria where mwdxer lives. He's all about subchannels and other things he doesn't have access to (largely because of the Oregon Coast Range).
subs carried on Charter in Astoria (per the charter site)

182 KGW - Estrella TV
183 KGW - TJN
184 KATU - MeTV
185 KOPB - OPB Plus
187 KATU - Get TV
188 KUNP - Grit TV
189 KPTV 2 - Cozi TV

So they do carry some but not all of them
So they do carry some but not all of them
...out over 40 subchannels in and around the Portland market. That said, other options are pretty much nonexistent.

Lincoln City, just a few dozen miles south, has no subchannels. Depoe Bay is a few miles south from there and they have no subchannels either.
...out over 40 subchannels in and around the Portland market. That said, other options are pretty much nonexistent.
I dont know where you are getting "over 40"
The only subs I see according to Rabbitears that arent on Charter are Escape, This, Antenna and Laff. Most cable companies dont carry the Ion subs and the rest look like stations that dont qualify for "must carry"
but anywho..back to the topic at hand (CometTV)

The question would be come Jan 1 will more Sinclair affiliates drop GetTV for Comet?