I have a pole but it is about 5' tall, 3.5" OD, with a triangular base welded to it. It requires three 3/4" diameter bent bolts (aka J-bolt and L-bolt). These bolts allow for re-leveling of the pole if the concrete base shifts position. Originally, the pole came with an 8' perforated dish that I bought from Radio Shack about 15 years ago. I'd like to use it with my new 12' dish but I'm trying to determine if this pole is OK for this size dish. I would prefer to use it instead of setting a pole in concrete. My understanding is that the 12' dish can be placed on a pole without extra supports. So, can I use the pole with the triangular base and if so how long do the L bolts need to be? I'm planning on digging a 5' deep hole for the concrete base. Some articles I have read are recommending a L bolt length of between 26 and 35 inches. I'd have to special order such bolts and the minimum order is $150. So, can I use the 24" bolts that I can readily get from Fastenal?