Customers upset over ReplayTV offer

John Corn

The Coach / Supporter
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 6, 2003
North Canton, Ohio.
An untold number of customers recently took advantage of a dramatic price drop for ReplayTV's lowest-end model, thinking the $149 deal included three years of the service that's required for the devices to work.

Now, some are furious, finding their service has been disconnected and that they will probably have to pay additional fees to reactivate it.
John Corn said:
An untold number of customers recently took advantage of a dramatic price drop for ReplayTV's lowest-end model, thinking the $149 deal included three years of the service that's required for the devices to work.

Now, some are furious, finding their service has been disconnected and that they will probably have to pay additional fees to reactivate it.

Well, if you mean by 'thinking' the service was included, even after calling ReplayTV and asking flat out of the $149 5504 included 3 years and being told yes, then I am furious. My 5504 worked from 12/17 until 12/31 when it was turned off by Replay. They wanted $12.95/month of $300, what they got was a 5504. Now I hear they changed their minds again and have turned the boxes back on until they can figure out their next move. These guys make Charlie look good in comparision.

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